Tag: women

Black Women Prefer Hair Products Marketed With Them In Mind

Black Women Prefer Hair Products Marketed With Them In Mind

Marketing reports indicate that black consumers long to feel authentically represented in advertising campaigns, especially black women. Black female consumers outpace other consumer groups in a number of spending categories, notably personal care and hair products, but feel unappreciated by top brands. This line of thinking raised several questions for me: With the fairly recent launch of an ethnic corporate product line, Pantene’s Gold Series Collection, are black women feeling the love? When faced with choosing between this new corporate option and Shea Moisture, a brand perceived to be black-owned, where does their allegiance lie? And if what people buy is an expression of their identity, then which brand best reflects black female consumers’ truest sense of self? Our study builds on ...
Makeup Tips And Tricks For Women Over 40

Makeup Tips And Tricks For Women Over 40

Don’t continue applying the same makeup techniques learned in middle and high school. Many women dread their over-40 birthdays due to aging effects evident in the bathroom mirror, but beauty experts placate with a plethora of makeup tricks. Birdie.com appealed to “boomers and beyond” women in June not to continue applying the same makeup techniques learned in middle and high school. The site shared gravity-defying, wrinkle-diminishing tips from a makeup artist who works specifically with women over 40: ‒ Apply, in an upward sweep, blush on the upper part of cheekbones. ‒ Fill in sparse areas of eyebrows, especially “tail” areas. ‒ Use lighter shades on eyelids and under the brow; use a medium or darker tone in the crease. ‒ Avoid matte and nude lipsticks; choose color and shine and...
Women Bosses – Powerful, Successful, Ambitious Women

Women Bosses – Powerful, Successful, Ambitious Women

For more than 30 years I've coached and mentored women who are top-caliber Fortune 500 executives and high-level entrepreneurs. Meanwhile during that whole time I was either a Fortune 100 senior executive or the founding CEO of my own successful consulting firm. Many things have changed for women in the workplace over the years, but as the saying goes "the more things change, the more they stay the same." What I'm referring to here is the sad fact that, even in this advanced era of the 21st century, negative stereotypes about women in executive positions stubbornly persist. The one that most often comes to mind is that if you are a woman and you are powerful within the business community then it must mean that you are also self-centered and egocentric. So let me set the record straight. ...
How Women Leaders Are Designing A Workplace Equitable For All

How Women Leaders Are Designing A Workplace Equitable For All

Join us for an enlightening Tweet Chat session on "How women leaders are designing a workplace equitable for all". Our panel of esteemed female leaders will share their experiences, insights, and strategies for creating an equitable work environment. We'll explore topics such as leadership styles, and women empowerment in male-dominant industries like tech. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from the best and be a part of the conversation. Join us on 7th March 2023 at 11:00 am EST using the hashtag #LeadingWithChange. See you there! #GenderEquality #RewritingRulesm Start Your Free Outgrow Trial Now!
Few Claims Ever Reach A Courtroom, Yet Women Frequently Experience Sexual Harassment At Work

Few Claims Ever Reach A Courtroom, Yet Women Frequently Experience Sexual Harassment At Work

Sexual harassment allegations against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, including at least three from current or former aides, are a reminder of just how commonplace unwanted touching, propositioning and other inappropriate behavior is in the workplace. My recent research explores the prevalence of toxic work environments – like the one described in Albany, New York – and just how startlingly common sexual harassment at work is. I discovered that even when women try to find justice by suing their alleged abusers, their cases rarely see a courtroom. An all-too-common experience My own extensive review of numerous studies, surveys and reports shows that sexual harassment at work is a very common occurrence for women, regardless of age or income level. The numerous studies and surveys reveal tha...
Framed As Young And Sexy – Powerful Women Heading Up Dating Apps

Framed As Young And Sexy – Powerful Women Heading Up Dating Apps

People are swiping on dating apps in record numbers and roughly half of these individuals identify as women, which may be the reason why the dating app industry recently assigned the top leadership roles to women. Indeed, this past year, the most powerful dating apps in the world — Bumble and Tinder — were both run by women. Whitney Wolfe Herd is at Bumble while Renate Nyborg was running Tinder. As scholars who write about dating apps like Bumble and dating and feminism, we were interested to see how journalists reported on these two women leading the male-dominated, highly lucrative online dating industry and we wanted to compare that coverage with how the CEOs represented themselves on social media. We looked at last year’s top 50 news stories for each woman that came up in search res...
Hockey Canada Stop Treating Women’s And Para Hockey Like An Afterthought

Hockey Canada Stop Treating Women’s And Para Hockey Like An Afterthought

Hockey Canada is the latest in a long list of sport organizations that have come under fire due to unsafe sporting practices and failures to protect athlete rights. The situation at Canada’s national hockey body has captured the nation’s imagination because of the cultural potency of the sport.Many have visions of hockey’s “purity” where snow is shovelled off frozen ponds and friends gather for a friendly game. But imbued in these idealized narratives are the gendered, ableist and heteronormative expectations of the sport. As witnessed with the recent scandal, the toxic masculine culture of hockey is at the heart of these concerns. A culture where secrecy and silence are expected. And Hockey Canada has used its own resources to support and cover up this toxic culture. It took an outcry ...
The United States Just Hit Equal Pay Day For Black Women

The United States Just Hit Equal Pay Day For Black Women

September 21 marks Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, the day of the year on which the median earnings of a working Black woman will have caught up to the median 2021 annual earnings of a non-Latino White man. This year’s observance is over a month later than 2021’s appointed day, August 3. Why is Black Women’s Equal Pay Day so much later than last year? The change comes from a methodological switch: Equal Pay Today, the collaborative of nonprofits and advocacy groups that generally designates Equal Pay Day observances, decided to include part-time workers in its calculation. Here’s how employment is usually measured in this country: The main data from agencies like the Bureau of Labor Statistics refers to non-agricultural labor (“nonfarm”) due to the difficulty tracking that kind of seasonal...
In 1953, ‘Queen-Crazy’ American Women Looked To Elizabeth II As A Source Of Inspiration – That Sentiment Never Faded

In 1953, ‘Queen-Crazy’ American Women Looked To Elizabeth II As A Source Of Inspiration – That Sentiment Never Faded

In the spring of 1953, women from across the United States traveled to Britain – for many, it was their first time abroad. The impetus for the trip was Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation, held in Westminster Abbey on a rainy June 2 of that year. Among those making the journey were Peggy Webber, who traveled all the way from Iowa, and Geneva Valentine from Washington, D.C. For both women, whom I learned of while researching the monarchy and gender, the coronation provided an unprecedented opportunity to be part of a momentous occasion in which a woman was at the center of the story. For almost 70 years, there has been a long-standing affection for Elizabeth from across the Atlantic, especially among women. It may be of a less showy variety than the attention lavished on other, potentially mo...
Leaving Them To Carry The Burden At Home – 1 In 4 Women Have A Family Member In Prison

Leaving Them To Carry The Burden At Home – 1 In 4 Women Have A Family Member In Prison

Mary Estrada, 56, met her husband, Robert, when she was 10 years old and he was 9. They have been together most of their lives, but they have also spent many years physically apart. Robert Estrada’s contact with the criminal legal system began early, with time in the city’s juvenile detention facility that ignited a cycle of incarceration. Currently he is serving a 52-year sentence at the Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility in San Diego, more than two hours from Estrada’s home in Pomona, California. Over the decades, Estrada said she has remained her husband’s steadfast support system. Every weekend she drives 135 miles each way to visit Robert. She talks to him on the phone at least once a day, sometimes twice, at a rate of about $2 for 15 minutes. She makes sure to keep money on h...