Creating A Magical Valentine’s Day: A Look At The History Of The Holiday

Creating A Magical Valentine’s Day: A Look At The History Of The Holiday

Valentine's Day is a wonderful holiday full of hearts, chocolate, and flowers. When many people think of Valentine's Day that's what comes to mind. But how often do we think of the real reason behind the holiday. Let's look at the history behind Valentine's Day: who was St. Valentine, what did he do to become a saint, and why is the "holiday of love" named after him. St. Valentine is suspected to be a Roman Catholic priest that lived in the third century AD and was martyred around 270 AD by Claudius II Gothicus, the Roman Emperor at the time. As the story goes, St. Valentine wrote a love letter to the daughter of his jailer, with whom he had established a friendship and grown to love, and signed it "from your Valentine." (1) Sound like a familiar phrase? Today, Valentine's Day is celebrate...
LGBTQ+ Americans Overlooked In Census Data May Soon Be Able To Share Their Experiences

LGBTQ+ Americans Overlooked In Census Data May Soon Be Able To Share Their Experiences

Millions of LGBTQ+ people who have so far been invisible in the American Community Survey, the largest household survey in the country, may soon be recognized. The U.S. Census Bureau on Tuesday published its plan to test questions about sexual orientation and gender identity in the American Community Survey (ACS) next year. The ACS is a crucial resource to understand daily life for Americans, as it gathers data about social and economic needs not covered in the decennial census — information on internet access, transportation, employment, education, and more. Within that snapshot of American life, LGBTQ+ people have not been counted as themselves. In a report released this spring, the Brookings Institution estimates that up to 17.3 million adults who identify as LGBT are not identified ...
Hosting A Successful Summer Wine Country Themed Party

Hosting A Successful Summer Wine Country Themed Party

(BPT) - Not everyone can drop what they're doing and be whisked away for the weekend to visit Sonoma's wine country — but if you've always dreamed of living the relaxed and stylish wine country lifestyle, you're in luck. You can bring that casual, sophisticated feeling to your own backyard with a wine themed party. While you may not have a vineyard just feet from your house, you can still savor the flavor and vibe of wine country by hosting an afternoon get-together or laid-back soiree. Here are tips to give your gathering just the right notes. Create a casual, intimate atmosphere The best parties are small enough that everyone has a chance to enjoy good food, good conversation and of course, good wine, so keep your guest list on the smaller side. Then set up your backyard, deck or pa...
Why Aren’t Employers Complying To Keep Domestic Violence Survivors Protected At Work

Why Aren’t Employers Complying To Keep Domestic Violence Survivors Protected At Work

The violence had escalated for years before one day in October 2020, when Virginia’s husband threatened her life in front of her two children. She fled. The three of them hid in a domestic violence shelter in New York City as a global pandemic raged. Virginia, whose full name is being withheld to protect her safety, wondered how she would care for her children. She was their sole caregiver, and most child care options had shuttered in the pandemic. Her shift at work as an ultrasound tech ran until 10 p.m. every weeknight, an hour past the shelter’s curfew. The only thing that made sense was asking for an earlier shift. The day after fleeing her husband, Virginia arrived to work at St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx, where she’d been a tech for more than six years, with her 4- and 5-year-...
Multiple Personalities — Which One Are You?

Multiple Personalities — Which One Are You?

Do You Have Multiple Personalities? The human being is not only what he knows about himself, but also what belongs to his immense primitive conscience, which is wild and evil. That's why we observe the existence of many personalities in some patients' psychic spheres. They have absurd characteristics, since they are derived from the primitive conscience and their actions are always harmful. It is confirmed that some psychotic patients have double or multiple personalities and they are dominated by one of the personalities when their behavior is opposite to the behavior of their main personality. However, this is a very common phenomenon that occurs with many normal or neurotic people, but since their second personality is not so different from the main one, they are unaware of their mult...
A Girls Night Out

A Girls Night Out

Women around the country are constantly searching for something new and different to do for a great girls night out that doesn't involve a bar or a highly overrated movie. When you consider the fact that most women have different tastes in books and poetry, book readings or signings are often very hit or miss, physical activity takes some of the fun out of things, and dancing inevitably leaves an odd man (or in this case girl) out. Dinner is great but often over far too soon. How about an evening of painting, laughing, joking, and dishing with the girls at your local paint your own pottery shop? Seriously this option offers a little something new and different for you and the rest of the girls without putting too serious of a strain on your pocket book. Unless of course you get greedy and ...
What Money Has To Do With Marriage

What Money Has To Do With Marriage

I must admit, I laughed out loud when they told me that at their first session with the pastor, they were each required to bring two items: a Bible and a copy of their personal credit reports. After I stopped chuckling, I realized the preacher was on to something. He knew that how we handle our finances says a lot--good, bad, or ugly- about who we are and how we handle commitment. And that's no laughing matter. Like it or not, money really does have meaning and power. How you handle or mishandle it, will speak volumes about you to your present or potential mate, much more persuasively than anything you could every say about yourself. Handling your money with care, discipline, and maturity builds a strong case that you are caring, disciplined, and mature person. Those, of course, are the...
Start A Chat With A Pretty Available Ladies Or Handsome Available Men

Start A Chat With A Pretty Available Ladies Or Handsome Available Men

Are you an upwardly mobile professional? Do you want to find a Beautiful Single Lady Or Handsome Man? It is completely free to join Splendfida and as soon as you do, you can add your photo and create your own personal profile page. It costs nothing to send a wink so you can start contacting the people that get your pulse racing right away, and use the geographical search to find sexy people in your area. As a member you can also use more advanced search options to find other people by sexual interests, age, ethnicity, even favorite position! Join Now!
‘Sextortion’ Leads To Financial Losses And Psychological Trauma – What To Look Out For

‘Sextortion’ Leads To Financial Losses And Psychological Trauma – What To Look Out For

When malicious internet users gain people’s trust to obtain sexually explicit photos or videos, and then use these materials – specifically the threat of sharing them – to coerce them for sexual, personal or financial gain, this is called “sextortion”. Recent incidents of sextortion are not entirely surprising given the increase in social interactions online during lockdowns, particularly by way of online dating. But they are concerning. Being a victim of sextortion is associated with significant financial losses (sextortion cost Americans US$8 million over the first seven months of 2021, for example) as well as trauma. Perpetrators of sextortion could be strangers who want to exploit vulnerable young children or adolescents. They could be former romantic partners or members of organised...
Social Media’s Impact On Divorce

Social Media’s Impact On Divorce

Social media has impacted our society in many good ways. Our lives have been made easier. Pretty much anything we want to know is quickly found at the end of a mouse click. We save time and effort by ordering products and planning travel online. We easily catch up with friends on numerous social media sites. But, there is also a down side.. Media and Relationships Research has found that these sites can have a negative impact on relationships and may even contribute to divorce. A spouse may spend so much time that they neglect family time and hurt relationships. The temptation is there to look up former girlfriends or boyfriends and connecting could trigger past feelings and/or start an affair. One recent study from the journal, Computers in Human Behavior, used information gathered from...