Tag: tattoos

One In Four People Regrets Having Tattoos – Can You Make It Go Away?

One In Four People Regrets Having Tattoos – Can You Make It Go Away?

Almost half of people between 18 and 35 have tattoos, and almost one in four regrets it, according to a 2016 Harris Poll. Based on an estimate of about 60 million people in that age group, that would mean that about 7.5 million people have tattoo regret. As a primary care physician, I’ve noticed anecdotally that many of my younger patients have regrets about their tattoos. When I ask about them, many say that they got them when they were young, and at the time put little or no research into the decision. With no source (reliable or otherwise) of tattoo information to suggest to my patients, I began to investigate the topic myself. My goal was to write a quick reference for teens that reviewed the health and social issues they might encounter after getting a tattoo. What I found was myri...
Celebrities And Their Love Of Tattoos

Celebrities And Their Love Of Tattoos

It isn't really surprising to learn that countless celebrities love tattoos, nor is it surprising that those who are in the public eye and in the media can have quite a significant influence on the American population's fascination with tattoos. The stars have a variety of tattoos, and so pretty much all of their fans crave tattoos also. For celebrities, age is not a real factor; older stars just like the younger ones have them too. We know all of these people well - but how much do we identify with the distinctive styles of artwork they choose? One of America's greatest movie stars, Robert DeNiro, has appeared in movies sporting no few tattoos. Whether or not his fans work out that they are only accessories for his films, the fact is in real life Robert DeNiro has only one tattoo, that ...