Tag: starting

Steps To Starting Your Own Podcast

Steps To Starting Your Own Podcast

You may have listened to a podcast or two or just simply heard about podcasting, but how do you start podcasting yourself? Especially if you are a Christian or interested in starting a Christian Podcast? Podcasting isn't the most difficult thing to do, but it can be challenging to become a successful podcaster. Many people, when they start a podcast, want to be so general that anyone will want to listen. But that does not really appeal to anyone! It takes a lot of time and hard work to start, run and have a successful podcast. But for those that do have a successful podcast, they are targeting a very specific audience. Figure Out What Your Podcast Is About Before you even start recording, you have to figure out what it is you want to talk about. What do you want your podcast to accom...
Worldwide, The Information Age Is Starting To Transform Fishing

Worldwide, The Information Age Is Starting To Transform Fishing

People in the world’s developed nations live in a post-industrial era, working mainly in service or knowledge industries. Manufacturers increasingly rely on sensors, robots, artificial intelligence and machine learning to replace human labor or make it more efficient. Farmers can monitor crop health via satellite and apply pesticides and fertilizers with drones. Commercial fishing, one of the oldest industries in the world, is a stark exception. Industrial fishing, with factory ships and deep-sea trawlers that land thousands of tons of fish at a time, are still the dominant hunting mode in much of the world. This approach has led to overfishing, stock depletions, habitat destruction, the senseless killing of unwanted by-catch and wastage of as much as 30% to 40% of landed fish. Industria...
Starting Your Own Company – A How To Guide

Starting Your Own Company – A How To Guide

Darryl Scriven, Clarkson University and Robyn Hannigan, Clarkson University Have you ever heard the expression “No guts, no glory”? Starting your own business starts with guts. If you’re someone who likes to take risks and has great ideas, starting your own company could be for you. There are different kinds of companies that you could start. You could start a company producing something you invented, like an iPhone or a mobile app. Or you could start a company that licenses the brand of an existing company, such as McDonald’s or Subway. Companies like this are called franchises. Between the two of us, we’ve started mobile gaming companies, owned franchises and created biotechnology companies from patented inventions. One of us is an analytical geochemist – someone who measures chemical...
Even Though Telehealth Demand Is Way Up Due To COVID-19 Health Insurers Are Starting To Roll Back Coverage

Even Though Telehealth Demand Is Way Up Due To COVID-19 Health Insurers Are Starting To Roll Back Coverage

In less than a year, telehealth has gone from a niche rarity to a common practice. Its ability to ensure physical distance, preserve personal protective equipment and prevent the spread of infection among health care workers and patients has been invaluable during the COVID-19 pandemic. As health care specialists and researchers, we have long seen the potential of telehealth, providing health care remotely with technology, which has been around for several decades. Despite evidence it could safely treat and manage a range of health conditions in a cost-effective manner, widespread adoption of the practice had been limited by issues including insurance coverage, restrictions on prescribing and technology access. On March 27, 2020, The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, or ...
Yes, websites really are starting to look more similar

Yes, websites really are starting to look more similar

Over the past few years, articles and blog posts have started to ask some version of the same question: “Why are all websites starting to look the same?” These posts usually point out some common design elements, from large images with superimposed text, to hamburger menus, which are those three horizontal lines that, when clicked, reveal a list of page options to choose from. My colleagues Bardia Doosti, David Crandall, Norman Su and I were studying the history of the web when we started to notice these posts cropping up. None of the authors had done any sort of empirical study, though. It was more of a hunch they had. We decided to investigate the claim to see if there were any truth to the notion that websites are starting to look the same and, if so, explore why this has been happen...
Why Italian cinema is starting to glamorize the mafia

Why Italian cinema is starting to glamorize the mafia

For almost a century, American filmmakers have glamorized the Mafia, depicting their ranks as so charismatic and quick-witted that you might want to invite them over for dinner. Audiences saw this most recently in “The Irishman,” which reunites a star cast of the usual suspects – Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci – but also in “The Sopranos” and “Boardwalk Empire.” The Mafia’s glamorized sheen in America’s collective conscience might be due to the fact that the Mafia never attained much power in the U.S. Compared with Italy, fewer lives have been lost and fewer businesses destroyed by the organized crime syndicate. Today many see the Mafia as a relic of the past. Not so in Italy, where mafias remain as powerful and dangerous as ever. Their menace has been reflected in Italian film...

Protect Your Home – Even Celebrities Are Starting To Protect Their Homes

Protect your home From the super-rich to the commoner, everyone loves his or her home and his or her possessions just as much as anyone else around. Homes as well as the assets which your home holds are built with care and patience. So, it is only natural that you would like to protect your home and assets and would not like anyone to steal or damage them. In today's modern world, a number of hi-tech options are available to you to protect your home and property from damage and burglary. Celebrities are known to give sufficient importance to the aspect of their home security. Celebrities all over the world are known to employ full time armed security guards to protect their homes and property. In addition to hefty salaries, all the work related expenses of such guards and se...