Tag: photographer

Photographer Shannon Taggart Takes Viewers Inside The World Of Séances, Mediums And Orbs – As Spiritualism’s Popularity Grows

Photographer Shannon Taggart Takes Viewers Inside The World Of Séances, Mediums And Orbs – As Spiritualism’s Popularity Grows

The word séance conjures images of darkened rooms, entranced mediums, strange occurrences and spirit voices. For many contemporary audiences, these visions might seem like something out of the past, or perhaps a movie, rather than a living belief system. For the past 20 years, American photographer Shannon Taggart has explored modern spiritualism, a religion whose adherents believe in communication with the dead. Her photographic series “Séance,” which was recently on view at the Albin O. Kuhn Gallery at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, provides a window into this often misunderstood religion. As a curator and art historian who has researched apparition photographs and the art of conspiracy theory, I was drawn to Taggart’s images because they offer a lens through which to e...
She Didn’t Die At The Hands Of The Mafia – The Photographer Who Fought The Sicilian Mafia For Five Decades

She Didn’t Die At The Hands Of The Mafia – The Photographer Who Fought The Sicilian Mafia For Five Decades

When Italian photographer Letizia Battaglia passed away on April 13, 2022, the biggest shock among those of us who have written about her was that she didn’t die at the hands of the Mafia. For nearly five decades she fearlessly fought the criminal enterprise. Armed with her 35mm camera, she publicized the Sicilian Mafia’s reign of terror with her photographs of the bullet-riddled bodies of public servants, innocent bystanders and mafiosi. She later worked as a politician and local activist to wrest Palermo’s streets and piazzas from the Mafia’s grip. Exposing the Mafia’s culture of death Battaglia earned international acclaim for her photographs of Sicily – images that captured the island’s beauty, poverty, spirit and, perhaps most famously, violence. Her first years working as a photojo...