Tag: media

White nationalist is latest to sue over social media ban

White nationalist is latest to sue over social media ban

A prominent white nationalist is suing Twitter for banning his accounts at a time when social networks are trying to crack down on hateful and abusive content without appearing to censor unpopular opinions. Jared Taylor filed the lawsuit Tuesday in state court in San Francisco, marking the latest legal challenge filed by right-wing groups and figures banned from social media sites. Taylor is the founder of the Virginia-based New Century Foundation, an IRS-classified charity that operates the American Renaissance online magazine. The magazine touts a philosophy that it’s “entirely normal” for whites to want to be a majority race. Twitter suspended the accounts of well-known white nationalists in December, saying it was enforcing new rules aimed at reducing abusive content. Social media s...

Media face challenges in rush to sexual misconduct reckoning

Talk-show host Tavis Smiley isn’t just angry at PBS for firing him on sexual misconduct charges. He’s angry about his depiction in the media. Smiley believes that if he hadn’t talked publicly about romantic relationships with subordinates at his company, the behavior that led to his downfall, the public would make little distinction between him and those who have been accused of sexual assault or rape. Conflation of different forms of misbehavior — the idea itself is controversial — is one of the issues facing media organizations covering the fast-moving story of sexual misconduct that went into overdrive with investigations into Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein’s behavior. “The media is painting with too broad a brush,” Smiley said. “We have lost all sense of nuance and proportionality...
How Social Media Is Being Used To Assassinate a Person’s Character

How Social Media Is Being Used To Assassinate a Person’s Character

Social media is a faceless community. In most cases, you do not see the person who likes your photos, resents your posts or even shares your ideas. It is where people tweet and sent threatening messages to strangers without a care in the world. It's just fun - they say. Let me say that it is never fun if the recipient is scared to the core or if the post involves character assassination. This post is about how social media is being used to assassinate a person's character. The dangers and benefits of social media. No doubt, social media has countless blessings attached to it. It offers you worldwide connectivity, hooks you up with people of shared interests, keeps you informed, and is a great marketing tool. However, It can be both brutal and destructive. It can be used to malign your na...
Pillars of Black Media, Once Vibrant, Now Fighting for Survival

Pillars of Black Media, Once Vibrant, Now Fighting for Survival

For the black community in Chicago and elsewhere, Johnson Publishing Company represented a certain kind of hope.The company’s magazines, most notably Ebony and Jet, gained prominence during the struggle for civil rights — Jet published graphic photos of the murdered black teenager Emmett Till that helped intensify the movement — and made it their mission to chronicle African-American life.At a time when much of the media was ignoring black people, or showing them primarily in the context of poverty or crime, Ebony and Jet celebrated their success, featuring stars like Muhammad Ali and Aretha Franklin on their covers. When Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, the first print publication he granted an interview to was Ebony.So when Johnson Publishing, which is based in Chicago, announ...