Tag: media

Social Media Influencing: The Dark Side

Social Media Influencing: The Dark Side

Do you follow influencers on social media? Do you always check their posts? Do you find you’re spending too much time or becoming obsessed with checking influencers’ accounts? And when you can’t check in, do you feel disconnected or lost?   If you answered yes to all of these questions, you may have whats known as “problematic engagement” with social media influencers. But don’t blame yourself too much. You are among the many who have been swept away by dazzling social media influencing. And this can be attributed to many features and tactics social media influencers employ that help keep them influential — like livestreams and polls on Instagram. As experts in social media and user behaviour, we recently published a paper that looks at followers’ problematic engagement with inf...
An Online Media Expert Explains – What Are Dark Patterns?
Journalism, VIDEO REELS

An Online Media Expert Explains – What Are Dark Patterns?

Jasmine McNealy, University of Florida Dark patterns are design elements that deliberately obscure, mislead, coerce and/or deceive website visitors into making unintended and possibly harmful choices. Dark patterns can be found in many kinds of sites and are used by several kinds of organizations. They take the form of deceptively labeled buttons, choices that are difficult to undo and graphical elements like color and shading that direct users’ attention to or away from certain options. Dark patterns in subscriptions are a common example of these kinds of design choices, given the ubiquity of online subscriptions and free trials for all kinds of products and services. This kind of dark pattern might make it difficult for a user to unsubscribe, or it might automatically convert a free t...
AI And Social Media – Automate To Liberate

AI And Social Media – Automate To Liberate

These days everyone is on social media, for good or for bad. Sometimes we wish we were not - €Šthe din of the internet is even more acute on social media - Šbut brands need to be where people gather to be successful. Beside the trolling and endless unpleasantness of Twitter exchanges, it's undeniable one can connect with a lot of people at once on social media. Here's the rub: social media is noisy, and getting noisier. How can one be effective on social media when every second more than 8000 tweets are shared? Welcome to the new Alice's rabbit hole. If there must be a respite, for both the sake of sanity as well as strategy, we need new tools. Enter automation. Specifically AI-driven automation. Why AI? Classic automation is a Mechanical Turk. Not the Amazon type, but the 19th-century...
To Get Great Coverage, You Need A Great Media List

To Get Great Coverage, You Need A Great Media List

You've written a great press release and it's ready to go. But the bigger question remains: who do I send it to? Before you begin sending the release to anyone and everyone, take heed. By not targeting the release to the right person at the right media outlet, your release will simply go into the trash and you'll never gain the respect of any reporter. So look long and hard at your perfect release. Who would be truly interested in it? Let's face it, Oprah probably doesn't care you have developed additions to your product line. So look for publications and media that match your target market, not where you'd like to appear. Where to find media listings? Once you determine who you want to send the release to generally, you need to get all the information on the media. You can use the fol...
Comments About Twitter By Elon Musk Don’t Square With The Social Media’s Platform Reality

Comments About Twitter By Elon Musk Don’t Square With The Social Media’s Platform Reality

On April 25, 2022, Twitter’s board of directors accepted Elon Musk’s US$44 billion hostile takeover bid. Twitter’s statement announcing the deal included comments from the Tesla and SpaceX CEO: “Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated. I also want to make Twitter better than ever by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans.” The problem with Musk’s statement is that it fundamentally misunderstands speech, algorithms and bots and human authentication. As a researcher who studies social media, I believe that if anything is cause for concern about this transaction, it is this ...
The Occult On Social Media – WitchTok: The Rise Of The Occult Has Eerie Parallels With The 16th Century

The Occult On Social Media – WitchTok: The Rise Of The Occult Has Eerie Parallels With The 16th Century

It’s 1.30am in the morning, and I’m about to watch a duel between magicians. One is a “demonolater”, a word I have never heard before, someone who claims they worship demons and can petition them in return for knowledge or power. The other describes themselves as a “Solomonic magician”, and claims to be able to command demons to do his bidding, as some Jewish and Islamic traditions have believed of King Solomon, who ruled Israel in the 10th century BC. I first discovered this debate because, in the course of studying 16th century books of magic attributed to Solomon, I had found, to my astonishment, that “Solomonic magic” is still alive and well today, and growing in popularity. Twitter had suggested to me that I might be interested in an account called “Solomonic magic”, and a few clicks...
US$3 billion Twitter deal – What It Means For Elon Musk And For Social Media

US$3 billion Twitter deal – What It Means For Elon Musk And For Social Media

The world’s richest man, Elon Musk, is now Twitter’s largest shareholder after acquiring a 9.2% stake in the social media platform for just under US$3 billion (£2.3 billion). The announcement drove Twitter’s share price up 27%, and it continued to grow in after-hours trading. You can listen to more articles from The Conversation, narrated by Noa, here. This investor enthusiasm is not surprising. Social media platforms have been suffering lately thanks to newly developed pressures in their ecosystems. For example, Twitter, and also Meta, have been on the receiving end of Apple’s anti user-tracking system. This is costing them billions of dollars in lost revenues, causing both companies’ stock to languish for the past few months. Musk’s arrival as Twitter’s largest shareholder will ...
Here’s Why Kids Love TikTok – Its A Unique Blend Of Social Media Platforms

Here’s Why Kids Love TikTok – Its A Unique Blend Of Social Media Platforms

TikTok, a social media platform targeted at young mobile phone users, was the second-most downloaded app in the world in 2019. It was the most downloaded app in July 2020. As a political scientist who studies social media, I’ve looked at what makes TikTok unique and why young people have flocked to it. In short, the phone-only app lets users record themselves dancing or goofing around to a music or spoken-word clip and then alter the videos using a wide array of effects. Despite its superficially frivolous nature, young people have been using the platform to send political messages, coordinate political actions and hang out in an online space largely free of adults. How it works Each tiktok is a 3- to 60-second-long video that loops when finished. The majority of the screen is taken up by...
Inserting Yourself Into The Media

Inserting Yourself Into The Media

For entrepreneurs looking to gain some credibility and get the word of their business out there, finding your way onto the news seems appealing. But executing this idea can prove far more complicated than its conception. Fortunately, Jeff Crilley’s expertise offers valuable insight into this dilemma. He has consistently proven an ability to insert clients into advantageous media spots. Building Relationships with Reporters Much of the success Crilley sees in his business ties directly with the strong relationship with various reporters. He built these relationships over the years and established his credibility with them, leading to exceptional exposure for his clients. Building relationships with reporters takes patience and a firm grasp on storytelling, but the work pays off in the long ...
Life Without Facebook: The Anti-Social Media Experiment

Life Without Facebook: The Anti-Social Media Experiment

  What that really means is getting off Facebook. While I have accounts on Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn, I rarely visit those sites. But Facebook is different. For some reason, even when I vow not to visit, it draws me in. Calls to me. Compels me to log in and browse my feed. And yet when I do, more often than not I walk away aggravated, not inspired. So why do I keep going back? I'm not sure, but it's definitely time to step back and re-evaluate. I joined Facebook in 2007 to keep an eye on my daughter when she went away to college. In 2008, like many other business owners, I began using it to market my business. I began amassing a huge friends list, accepting friend requests from everyone who sent me one. For awhile everything was hunky dory. Until it wasn't anymore. I'm not e...