Tag: gossip

Using Celebrity Gossip For Publicity

Using Celebrity Gossip For Publicity

No matter how much they rant over celebrity gossip sites and tabloids depriving them off their rights to privacy, the other side of the coin is true as well. Celebs use these celeb gossip sites often to promote themselves and their work. Some of them are just media junkies, vying to be in the pages of entertainment news. They like to be talked about all the time. And being lovers of paparazzi scoops, you must not discard the idea that many of these scoops are actually staged by the celebs themselves! It's a part of showbiz and there are no questions asked. The popularity of celebrity gossip sites and portals make the celebrities look at these with sufficient interest. They feel that the celeb gossip pages could be great vehicles to connect with their fans and also get their message heard ...
Gossip Gets A Bad Rap – The Science Of Gossip

Gossip Gets A Bad Rap – The Science Of Gossip

Gossip gets a bad rap. There’s no doubt that the act of gossiping about someone can sometimes be damaging and negative. But there is such a thing as “good gossip” and the very act of gossiping can actually help the way we interact with each other. If we follow some simple steps we can take part in gossip without it ending in tears. Gossip is defined as talking about and evaluating someone when they aren’t there. But we can use gossip to learn about the rules of behavior in social groups and get closer to each other. It helps us do this by letting us learn important information without the need to actually talk to every group member. So gossiping is efficient and those who gossip can use this social currency to gain positions of power. But being a gossip also has a dark side. Gossips are ...
Gossip Is A Social Skill – Not A Character Flaw

Gossip Is A Social Skill – Not A Character Flaw

According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, some communities in the Philippines consider gossiping so odious that they’ve outright banned it. But aside from the difficulty of enforcing this sort of ordinance, should gossip really get such a bad rap? Yes, in its rawest form, gossip is a strategy used by individuals to further their own reputations and interests at the expense of others. Studies that I have conducted confirm that gossip can be used in cruel ways for selfish purposes. At the same time, how many can walk away from a juicy story about one of their acquaintances and keep it to themselves? Surely, each of us has had firsthand experience with the difficulty of keeping spectacular news about someone else a secret. When disparaging gossip, we overlook the fact that it’s a...
Did You Hear – Celebrity Gossip

Did You Hear – Celebrity Gossip

It's no secret that celebrities are always gossiped about. No matter how large or tiny the issue - such as a small rip in their jeans, it always ends up in some gossip magazine or column and scrutinized avidly by the fans. There is a fine line that separates celebrity news from celebrity gossip. No matter how thin the line, there is a way to distinguish one from the other. News is based on facts (mostly) and contains information regarding current events, places, and people. Its form of medium is usually through newspapers, live television, news websites, and of course radio broadcast. Celebrity gossip, on the other hand, talks more about the personal issues of celebrities. You could even consider these issues as trivial and shallow and gossip is not usually verified. It is based more on...

Has Our Pervasive Interest In Celebrity Videos and Gossip Undervalued Celebrity Culture?

I have varying views about the massive use of celebrity videos, gossip and rumours in today's society. I should start off by saying that I have nothing against the celebrity culture in the western world, I do believe the use of the word 'celebrity' and the connections with it have become undervalued over the years. When I was a kid, a celebrity was a title that was related to people who actually had some kind of distinct achievement, such as explorers, scientists and a select few musicians. In the year 2011 the term 'celebrity' almost had no value at all - like a devalued currency. These days it seems like anyone who vaguely comes close to a television camera is a celebrity. My feeling is that with the large volumes of celebrity videos, photographs and rumours about these people, it has ...
Celebrity Gossip What Is So Good About It?

Celebrity Gossip What Is So Good About It?

The United States is the home of stars, and most people that are devoted admirers of celebrities will subscribe to celebrity gossip magazines, and watch television stations and radio programs that share the stories of famous people. Gossip can destroy other people whether they are famous or not. There have been cases of friendships ending and people taking their lives because someone somewhere has been saying not too pleasant things about them. But, is there some good that one can possibly get from reading about the private lives of other people? The answer is yes, there is some sort of good that will come from reading about famous people. A lot of people learn from reading about famous people and the mistakes that they have made in their lives. For instance, if a famous person was caught...

Tiger Woods – The Toast of Celebrity Gossip

In celebrity gossip circles, many are referring to Tiger Woods as a single-handed stimulus package for this industry. The celeb gossip sites went abuzz with news and updates when the greatest sporting scandal of all time came to light. The entertainment news took to this scoop like a fire takes to a dry forest. The fact that Tiger Woods had a squeaking clean image before this made matters worse for him. The paparazzi sat up and took notice, arming themselves with the latest equipment in the business and the aim to dig photos of his long line of mistresses. The king of contemporary golf, however, disappointed the paparazzi big time. Since Thanksgiving, when his car crashed into a water hydrant as he was trying to escape a golf club brandishing Elin Woods, a real-time photo of Tiger Woods w...