Tag: branding

Corporate Branding – Will They Remember You?

Corporate Branding – Will They Remember You?

In today's market selling quantity seems to be the rule of the day. Slap together something quick and don't worry about what flies out the door, it doesn't even matter who the purchasers are. Companies who focus on branding will stand out amongst the crowd. Why? They have recognized that most buyers' especially online buyers need confidence in doing business with an established entity. Nothing shows your commitment to your business like a well developed branding strategy. Having a great logo is the first major step towards cultivating this development. Sure there are plenty of "out-of-the-box" logo solutions and the prices are more than appealing to a business that doesn't recognize the value of their corporate image. The Difference Why should you spend more than $300 on a logo? Would y...
Five Small Business Branding Mistakes You Should Avoid

Five Small Business Branding Mistakes You Should Avoid

Small and medium enterprises tend to underestimate the power of branding. This must rank as one of the deadliest mistakes in the world of making business. You have most likely read about the branding failures of large businesses in the news – those massive errors that spelled doom for once successful ventures. While not making headlines the collapse of small businesses are more common. Studies reveal that 63% of all South African businesses fail within the first two years of trading. Many of the errors behind the collapse of small and medium enterprises are branding errors – or the result of business owners not understanding the importance of it. Many people think of “brands” as being large, important identities everybody knows about like Nike, Coca-Cola, and Harley Davidson. But buildin...
Why Do Businesses Use Branding?

Why Do Businesses Use Branding?

When you have a strong brand, it will become your business's most valued asset. A strong brand can more easily traverse the ups and downs of an economy, problems with customer satisfaction, and other issues. Plus, with great branding, it can last generations. Let's look at some other benefits of great branding. Customer Awareness and Recognition When you've done a great job branding, you will have amazing customer awareness and recognition of everything you do. The branding will speak for itself before you open your mouth or even make your offer. Think of some of your favorite brands and how they make you feel when you see an advertisement or commercial. Differentiation Offers a Competitive Edge When you have better brand recognition - and you will with a great brand - you automatical...
Branding Through Social Media

Branding Through Social Media

Are you looking forward to social media as the coolest, cheapest and the most effective medium to reach your customers? Well you are really canny and updated to think so. Social media is being widely used for the branding by brands both old and new. This is because it is the platform where the people peep for even the teeny-tiny information about everything from FMCG to durables, from food stuffs to cosmetics and almost everything. However this trend has equally been recognized by your competitors. So how do you make sure that your product is liked from among the competitive brands, and the customers feel the brand as the one they can trust? After all its your customer reach that matters. Many brands these days hire branding agencies to handle their social media pages I would suggest you t...
How To Use Social Media For Branding Like A Celebrity

How To Use Social Media For Branding Like A Celebrity

Being a celebrity is a never ending task. The fame and fortune that come with this status require constant effort to maintain. As a celebrity, it is very important to maintain one's brand. The brand is what makes people keep talking about you and thus making you a celebrity. As such, a celebrity should maintain their brand. One of the tools that they can use to accomplish this is social media. There are many platforms for celebrity branding. They include YouTube, Facebook Groups and LinkedIn Groups. Read on to learn how to become a celebrity in your niche with the assistance of social media. They use social media accounts to treat their fans like friends To build their brands, celebrities using social media to get closer to their friends. The celebrities use their accounts to speak to th...