Practical Astrology – Mercury Retrograde

Much of the time the signal that the Universe is giving you is not a green light. That is, much of the time, the time is simply not right to plunge straight ahead in pursuit of your objective.

That the best course of action is strategic retreat or taking an oblique path to your objective is indicated astrologically by such phenomena as transiting planets in retrograde and the ‘void of course’ moon. If during these periods, you try to force the issue, you are likely to encounter roadblocks or your work will have to be revised.

Rather than crawling under a rock, the most productive course of action is to match the action with the energies in play. And consider enjoying the detour.

Let us take a scenario that frequently occurs during Mercury’s retrograde period for an example. Rather than bemoaning the fact that you are waiting for a go-ahead from your client to begin a project that you have been planning (Mercury in retrograde can delay communications), direct your attention to immediate tasks that need your attention – even if they seem petty and mundane.

You clear your ‘To Do ‘ list so that you are ready to address your client’s project with your full attention when you do get approval to begin – at some point shortly after Mercury has returned to its usual direct motion.

And when you do begin, you are silently thankful you waited–because an important detail is revealed that changes the way you will approach the project and saved you from wasted effort. It is common for new information to come to light or minds to change after Mercury changes direction.

The intended use of Mercury retrograde energy is any activity that compels you to revisit past actions, especially if they involve communication, writing and local travel. During Mercury retrograde periods, these are the activities that will proceed smoothly.

The important point is that you have engaged in productive activity that will stand you in good stead when Mercury turns direct.

There are many activities that will fill the bill. Reestablishing contact with people whom you had little recent contact is one. These could be friends, long-distance family members, colleagues, or old sales leads. This is a time period when you are more likely than usual to get a phone call from a ‘voice from the past,’ yourself.

Another is taking the time to do a review and a cleanup of your records. Two examples are balancing your checkbook and aggregating your paperwork to prepare for the taxman. A business will periodically take time to review its sales results for a given period so it can gauge how it is doing.

Ellen Zucker uses the tools of astrology and Tarot to help you clarify your direction and live in harmony with the Universe. To learn more, subscribe to Ellen’s acclaimed monthly free newsletter, Celestial Currents, and you will be able to stay abreast of the current astrological conditions. As a bonus, you will also receive her free report: Mercury Retrograde: 9 Ways to Turn It Into Your Friend. or (215) 722 2453.

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