Tag: throughout

Pisces Your Lucky Days Throughout The Year

Pisces Your Lucky Days Throughout The Year

If you were born in the range of days from February 20th through March 20th, your Astrology sun sign is Pisces the Fish. As a Pisces, you probably know your basic Horoscope, but did you know there are over seventy days each year that are lucky for you, because of your sun sign? Just what are these Pisces lucky days? Your Birth Date In Numerology, your birth date is an especially lucky day for you. So, you always add your birth date to your list of lucky days. As an example, comic Billy Crystal was born on March 14th, 1948, so he should add March 14th to his March lucky days for 2008. Universal Days Days on which the Universal day number is the same as your Life Path number are also lucky for you. The universe goes your way on these particular days. Your Life Path number is calcula...
New Research Finds – Staying Active Throughout Adulthood Is Linked To Lower Healthcare Costs In Later Life
Journalism, VIDEO REELS

New Research Finds – Staying Active Throughout Adulthood Is Linked To Lower Healthcare Costs In Later Life

Exercise is good for your health at every age – and you can reap the benefits no matter how late in life you start. But our latest research has shown another benefit of being physically active throughout life. We found that in the US, people who were more physically active as teenagers and throughout adulthood had lower healthcare costs. These findings are especially relevant to people who live in countries without universal healthcare, such as the US. However, our findings apply indirectly to countries with universal healthcare, such as the UK, as a healthier population could result in lower costs for the healthcare system as a whole. For our study, we drew on data from the National Cancer Institute’s study on diet and health, which looked at over half a million adults. As part of this ...