Tag: think

Think Of Pipelines, Not Utilities – What Social Media Regulation Could Look Like

Think Of Pipelines, Not Utilities – What Social Media Regulation Could Look Like

Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, and his controversial statements and decisions as its owner, have fueled a new wave of calls for regulating social media companies. Elected officials and policy scholars have argued for years that companies like Twitter and Facebook – now Meta – have immense power over public discussions and can use that power to elevate some views and suppress others. Critics also accuse the companies of failing to protect users’ personal data and downplaying harmful impacts of using social media. As an economist who studies the regulation of utilities such as electricity, gas and water, I wonder what that regulation would look like. There are many regulatory models in use around the world, but few seem to fit the realities of social media. However, observing how these mo...
Americans Think They Know A Lot About Politics – And It’s Bad For Democracy That They’re So Often Wrong In Their Confidence

Americans Think They Know A Lot About Politics – And It’s Bad For Democracy That They’re So Often Wrong In Their Confidence

As statewide primaries continue through the summer, many Americans are beginning to think about which candidates they will support in the 2022 general election. This decision-making process is fraught with difficulties, especially for inexperienced voters. Voters must navigate angry, emotion-laden conversations about politics when trying to sort out whom to vote for. Americans are more likely than ever to view politics in moral terms, meaning their political conversations sometimes feel like epic battles between good and evil. But political conversations are also shaped by, obviously, what Americans know – and, less obviously, what they think they know – about politics. In recent research, I studied how Americans’ perceptions of their own political knowledge shape their political attit...
Think You Don’t Need A Website  – Here’s Why You Need A Website

Think You Don’t Need A Website – Here’s Why You Need A Website

24 hours per day Your website runs 24/7 and 365 days a year without any supervision. If you have the website, you can always be there for your customers. You can provide both prospective and regular customers the convenience of reviewing your products and services when your store or office is closed. Online brochure Companies spend millions creating brochures and distributing them. By having a website you can totally skip that. Your potential customers can find out about you and any of your products or services online. If you get most of your business through networking or your personal connections, then they will want to check out your website. So here the website plays an important role to know your customers about your business. Business will gain credibility More and more peopl...
Kissing In A Dream Isn’t Always What You Think

Kissing In A Dream Isn’t Always What You Think

We humans show our affection and love for one another, and our passion through a kiss. A kiss can soothe, calm and even magically heal -a child will feel all better after their boo-boo is kissed. In many cultures, but especially in Western cultures, a kiss is often the most intimate physical expression, sometimes considered more intimate even than sexual intercourse. It's pretty much common knowledge that prostitutes rarely kiss their clients on the mouth. This is because the kiss is recognized as a show of love and tenderness, and the services provided by a working girl (or guy) is little more than a business transaction. In Christian societies, a kiss may also be an act of betrayal, such as the betrayal of Christ by the kiss of Judas. A kiss may also mark the beginning of the end of ...
Tesla Bot Raises Serious Concerns – But Probably Not The Ones You Think

Tesla Bot Raises Serious Concerns – But Probably Not The Ones You Think

Elon Musk announced a humanoid robot designed to help with those repetitive, boring tasks people hate doing. Musk suggested it could run to the grocery store for you, but presumably it would handle any number of tasks involving manual labor. Predictably, social media filled with references to a string of dystopian sci-fi movies about robots where everything goes horribly wrong. As troubling as the robot futures in movies like I, Robot, The Terminator and others are, it’s the underlying technologies of real humanoid robots – and the intent behind them – that should be cause for concern. Musk’s robot is being developed by Tesla. It’s a seeming departure from the company’s car-making business, until you consider that Tesla isn’t a typical automotive manufacturer. The so-called “Tesla Bot” ...
Not The Groups You Might Think But Racial Groups Suffer Disparate Consequences After Unfair Police Treatment

Not The Groups You Might Think But Racial Groups Suffer Disparate Consequences After Unfair Police Treatment

George Floyd’s high-profile death has become synonymous with unfair police treatment. His death has sparked discussions surrounding police reform and the long-term consequences for people who experience violent contact with police. But what does research say more generally about unfair treatment by police? One of the biggest questions that researchers like my colleague and I examine is whether different groups of individuals – young people, racial and ethnic minorities and those from poorer socioeconomic backgrounds – are more likely than their respective counterparts to report police treatment that they perceive to be unfair. We focus on perceptions of police interaction because research has long contended that “citizens’ perceptions of police stops may be considered just as important...
Do You Think That’s Funny?

Do You Think That’s Funny?

We all enjoy a good laugh on occasion, and indeed humour can be a very effective way of easing areas of tension or breaking the ice in a new relationship. But one thing to remember when using humour is that we each have our own distinctive preferences in the things that we find funny and different tastes regarding what we enjoy. Some may like slapstick, sketches, joke telling, others may prefer a more subtle, observational style. Laughter has been found to improve our overall health, boost our immune system and reduce both our stress levels and blood pressure. It releases endorphins, the feel good, happy chemicals in the brain which are released whenever we exercise, laugh and feel upbeat. Laughing for 10-15 minutes has even been found to burn off up to 40 calories! So, if you're strug...
The Historic US Senate Win Of Rev. Raphael Warnock Broke More Barriers Than You May Think

The Historic US Senate Win Of Rev. Raphael Warnock Broke More Barriers Than You May Think

When Rev. Raphael Warnock prevailed in the special election on Jan. 5, he was the first African American from Georgia to win a U.S. Senate seat, and the 11th African American to serve in the U.S. Senate. But as a political scientist who has studied African American candidates seeking statewide offices like governor or U.S. senator, I know that Warnock’s real victories were as an African American candidate who had no previous elected experience and won a Senate seat, and he became the first African American to defeat a sitting senator or governor. Neutralizing the ‘radical’ label It’s no accident that few Black candidates who have run for the Senate or a governorship have won. They often face overt racism. For instance, in 2006, Tennessee Democratic Senate candidate Harold Ford Jr. was re...
I Think Big Tech Should Be Left Alone – And I’m A First Amendment Scholar

I Think Big Tech Should Be Left Alone – And I’m A First Amendment Scholar

Twitter’s banning of Trump – an action also taken by other social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat – has opened a fierce debate about freedom of expression and who, if anyone, should control it in the United States. I’ve written and taught about this fundamental issue for decades. I’m a staunch proponent of the First Amendment. Yet I’m perfectly OK with Trump’s ban, for reasons legal, philosophical and moral. The ‘spirit’ of the First Amendment To begin, it’s important to point out what kind of freedom of expression the First Amendment and its extension to local government via the Fourteenth Amendment protect. The Supreme Court, through various decisions, has ruled that the government cannot restrict speech, the press and other forms of communications ...
UFO Sightings Aren’t Persuasive – But I’m An Astronomer And I Think Aliens May Be Out There

UFO Sightings Aren’t Persuasive – But I’m An Astronomer And I Think Aliens May Be Out There

If intelligent aliens visit the Earth, it would be one of the most profound events in human history. Surveys show that nearly half of Americans believe that aliens have visited the Earth, either in the ancient past or recently. That percentage has been increasing. Belief in alien visitation is greater than belief that Bigfoot is a real creature, but less than belief that places can be haunted by spirits. Scientists dismiss these beliefs as not representing real physical phenomena. They don’t deny the existence of intelligent aliens. But they set a high bar for proof that we’ve been visited by creatures from another star system. As Carl Sagan said, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” I’m a professor of astronomy who has written extensively on the search for life in the...