Tag: small

15+ Promotion Ideas On How To Grow A Small Business

15+ Promotion Ideas On How To Grow A Small Business

Marketing and growing a small business is a challenging task all startups go through. Brands do everything in their capacity to increase their awareness and maximize their revenue. Some brands succeed but there are some that struggle to make their presence. What differentiates one brand from another is its strategy and the way they promote itself. Hence, here are some effective and out-of-the-box promotion ideas you need to try out today to grow your business. 1. Create Personalized Product Recommendations The solution to eliminating your customer’s boredom is to make your product pages more interactive and personalized. When you do that you not only retain their interest throughout the buying process but also encourage a faster checkout. Let’s consider some examples to understand this....
5 Top Items Your Small Business Needs On Its Cybersecurity To-Do List

5 Top Items Your Small Business Needs On Its Cybersecurity To-Do List

(BPT) - If you run a small to medium-sized business, you may think your risk of cyberattacks is slim to none. But just because your business is smaller and you have your data stored on-premises does not exempt you from risk. According to the Ninth Annual Cost of Cybercrime Study by Accenture, 43% of cyberattacks are now aimed at small businesses — but only 14% of those businesses are prepared to defend themselves. Since the pandemic, cybercrime has increased by 600%, according to Embroker.com. And the cost of cyberattacks — from business disruption and lost data to system downtime, damage to your company’s reputation and even legal liability — is higher than ever. Cyber defense needs to be a major component of your business strategy. What can your business do to help prevent these attacks...
Five Small Business Branding Mistakes You Should Avoid

Five Small Business Branding Mistakes You Should Avoid

Small and medium enterprises tend to underestimate the power of branding. This must rank as one of the deadliest mistakes in the world of making business. You have most likely read about the branding failures of large businesses in the news – those massive errors that spelled doom for once successful ventures. While not making headlines the collapse of small businesses are more common. Studies reveal that 63% of all South African businesses fail within the first two years of trading. Many of the errors behind the collapse of small and medium enterprises are branding errors – or the result of business owners not understanding the importance of it. Many people think of “brands” as being large, important identities everybody knows about like Nike, Coca-Cola, and Harley Davidson. But buildin...
Small Towns And The Global Pandemic How They Are Responding

Small Towns And The Global Pandemic How They Are Responding

Before the global pandemic hit, small towns across America were dealing with struggling economies, aging roads and bridges, and declining populations. The coronavirus added new challenges, like additional demand for limited hospital beds for an aging population, many of whom have chronic health conditions. Fortunately, as I’ve seen in my work at the Small Town Center at Mississippi State University, small towns have the advantage of being more nimble and responsive to crisis than cities, largely because they have fewer regulations and more opportunities to be creative about problem-solving. The pandemic has increased local leaders’ attention to their residents’ health – not just in terms of doctors and hospitals but also identifying new ways to help people get fitter, spend more time ou...
LGBTQ Life In America Is Flourishing Outside Of Small-Town Pride Celebrations

LGBTQ Life In America Is Flourishing Outside Of Small-Town Pride Celebrations

Beck Banks, University of Oregon LGBTQ people in rural places and small towns are often ignored in the larger conversation surrounding queer life and culture. Even with these omissions, Pride celebrations in those locations are sweeping the nation, often encountering initial resistance. As a transgender person from Central Appalachia and a doctoral candidate who studies rural transgender media activism, I still find myself sometimes conflating metropolitan with queer, despite knowing that reduces the complexity of transgender and queer lives. The day I reluctantly traveled to eastern Kentucky’s Pikeville Pride, I was doing just that. Don’t get me wrong; I like myself, and I am proud of the LGBTQ people who are working toward self-respect and celebrating who they are and what Pride repre...
From Inner-City Philly To Small-Town Texas – For Black Cowboys – Horses And Riding Are A Way Of Life

From Inner-City Philly To Small-Town Texas – For Black Cowboys – Horses And Riding Are A Way Of Life

Photographer Ron Tarver grew up in Fort Gibson, a small town in Oklahoma where horses, cattle and Wrangler jeans were embedded into the rhythms of everyday life. His grandfather was a cowboy admired for his roping abilities, and many of his family members owned ranches in the area. But he wanted, he told me, “to get away from horses,” and in 1983, he landed a job as a staff photojournalist at the Philadelphia Inquirer, where he found himself drawn to a range of subjects, from storefront churches to star jump-ropers. Then, in the early 1990s, he photographed North Philadelphia’s drug culture, spending periods of time living in heroin dens and crack houses. Burned out from the despairing subject matter, he decided that for his next undertaking, he wanted to do something that would lift his...
A Small And Shrinking Number Of The World’s Computer Chips Are Made In The US – A Global Semiconductor Shortage Highlights A Troubling Trend

A Small And Shrinking Number Of The World’s Computer Chips Are Made In The US – A Global Semiconductor Shortage Highlights A Troubling Trend

President Joe Biden’s executive order calling for a review of supply chains for critical products put a spotlight on the decades-long decline in U.S. semiconductor manufacturing capacity. Semiconductors are the logic and memory chips used in computers, phones, vehicles and appliances. The U.S. share of global semiconductor fabrication is only 12%, down from 37% in 1990, according to the Semiconductor Industry Association.   CC BY-ND It might not seem important that 88% of the semiconductor chips used by U.S. industries, including the automotive and defense industries, are fabricated outside the U.S. However, three issues make where they are made critical to the U.S. as the global leader in electronics: lower capability, high global demand and limited investment. Lower capability The ...
Black And Hispanic Small-Business Owners Have Been So Badly Hit In The Pandemic Recession

Black And Hispanic Small-Business Owners Have Been So Badly Hit In The Pandemic Recession

The pandemic has taken a heavy toll on Main Street, with small businesses across the U.S. closing by the thousands. But as bad as the overall scene is, for minority-owned businesses the picture is even bleaker. A survey released on Jan. 27 by advocacy group Small Business Majority found that almost 1 in 5 Black and Hispanic entrepreneurs expected to permanently close their business over the course of the next three months – a rate higher than for white business owners. It comes on the back of a report by the Federal Reserve of Cleveland that suggested that the impact of the coronavirus could be over two times larger for Black- and Hispanic-owned businesses than for white-owned enterprises. As scholars who research racial inequities and entrepreneurship, we know that even before the pande...
How A Small Clinic In Indiana Found Ways To Overcome Latinos Reluctant To Get Flu Shots

How A Small Clinic In Indiana Found Ways To Overcome Latinos Reluctant To Get Flu Shots

Every year, tens of millions of Americans avoid the flu vaccine. During the 2019-2020 flu season, fewer than half of U.S. adults got the shot. The Latino population is more reluctant than most other groups to get the flu vaccine and often pays a high price with their health. An analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of 10 flu seasons showed the Latino community had the third highest flu-related hospitalization rates of any demographic group. As professors and researchers who study public health, we want to know why the Latino population, in particular, is so wary of the vaccine. Here are a few reasons: Latinos worry about whether the shot is safe. They wonder if it works. They question whether it’s actually needed. Confidence in the vaccine is a major predictor of in...
One Small Part Of A Human Antibody Has The Potential To Work As A Drug For Both Prevention And Therapy Of COVID-19

One Small Part Of A Human Antibody Has The Potential To Work As A Drug For Both Prevention And Therapy Of COVID-19

Although a vaccine could be the ultimate solution to curb the COVID-19 pandemic and stop future ones, it will not be 100% effective. If it is anything like the flu vaccine, it will most likely be slightly more than 50% effective. What is important to recognize is that a vaccine can protect but cannot treat an already infected person. In contrast, drugs including laboratory-made antibodies (Y-shaped proteins that can help fight a foreign substance) can do both – protect and treat. This is why currently many companies are developing antibodies for prevention and therapy of COVID-19. Physicians would inject patients with these antibodies, which would immediately recognize and inactivate the virus. Such a therapy would bridge the lag until the patient’s immune system was able to produce enoug...