Tag: reported

Tipped Restaurant Workers Especially Women Of Color Reported More Harassment During The Pandemic

Tipped Restaurant Workers Especially Women Of Color Reported More Harassment During The Pandemic

Nearly half of women working in restaurant positions where they receive tips said they have experienced increased harassment from customers or supervisors during the two years of the pandemic, according to a new survey first shared with The 19th. Seventy-three percent of all women and 78 percent of women of color in these jobs said they regularly endure or witness “sexual behaviors from customers that make them uncomfortable,” the report said. The survey was released by the advocacy nonprofit One Fair Wage in partnership with the University of California, Berkeley’s Food Labor Research Center. “I was shocked. I could imagine that things either would be getting better or that things are pretty much the same. But people are saying that it just keeps getting so much worse, particularly for...
Less than one-fifth of reported rapes and sexual assaults lead to arrests

Less than one-fifth of reported rapes and sexual assaults lead to arrests

As experts in criminology and the justice system, we were surprised to learn that a jury voted to convict Harvey Weinstein on two counts of rape and sexual assault. This surprise was based on our more than a decade of research on the attrition of sexual assault cases from the criminal justice system. CC BY-ND We know that most victims of sexual assault never report their attack to the police. For those that do report, the probability of arrest and prosecution of their assailant is small. In fact, the overwhelming majority of cases reported to the police do not end in conviction, as evidenced by our recent research on sexual assaults reported to the police in six jurisdictions across the United States. We found that many cases drop out at the investigation stage, with only 18.8% of rape...

New studies show discrimination widely reported by women, people of color and LGBTQ adults

In recent years, U.S. public opinion has been divided about the existence and seriousness of racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination. Amid growing racial divides in civil and political views, our research team at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, in partnership with NPR and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, asked 3,453 adults about their experiences of discrimination. We surveyed adults who identified as members of six groups often underrepresented in public opinion research: blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans, women and LGBTQ adults. U.S. public opinion is divided over who faces discrimination. fizkes/Shutterstock.com Our studies, published in December, show that people from these groups report high levels of discrimination from both institutions ...