Tag: protect

‘Vaccinating’ Frogs May Or May Not Protect Them Against A Pandemic – But It Does Provide Another Option For Conservation

‘Vaccinating’ Frogs May Or May Not Protect Them Against A Pandemic – But It Does Provide Another Option For Conservation

When the COVID-19 pandemic first emerged, many wildlife disease researchers like me were not too surprised. Some were intrigued it hadn’t happened sooner; after all, it is our job to observe, describe and study pandemic dynamics in animals. Amphibians, for example, have been undergoing a global panzootic – the animal version of a pandemic – for decades. In the late 1990s, researchers identified the amphibian chytrid fungus, which causes the often-lethal disease chytridiomycosis, as the probable culprit behind frog and salamander declines and extinctions from Australia to Central America and elsewhere that began 10, 20 or even 30 years before. Scientists have found this pathogen on every continent that amphibians inhabit, and the extensive global amphibian trade has likely spread highly l...
Voters Opt To Protect Abortion Access In First Nationwide Election Since Roe Was Overturned

Voters Opt To Protect Abortion Access In First Nationwide Election Since Roe Was Overturned

The first major election since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade saw abortion rights on the ballot in a record number of states. The outcomes of these initiatives suggest that when Kansas voters in August 2022 rejected a proposed constitutional amendment declaring there is no state right to abortion, it was not a fluke. Indeed, results following the close of polls on Nov. 8 revealed that voters in Kentucky had followed suit and rejected a similar constitutional amendment. And in three other states — California, Michigan and Vermont — voters approved constitutional amendments to safeguard abortion access as part of a broader protection of personal reproductive autonomy, including contraception. In Vermont, the margin of victory was sweeping: 77.2% to 22.8%, with 95% of votes in. In...
Will Submitting Junk Data To Period Tracking Apps Protect Reproductive Privacy? No It Won’t

Will Submitting Junk Data To Period Tracking Apps Protect Reproductive Privacy? No It Won’t

Social media users posted ideas about how to protect people’s reproductive privacy when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, including entering “junk” data into apps designed for tracking menstrual cycles. People use period tracking apps to predict their next period, talk to their doctor about their cycle and identify when they are fertile. Users log everything from cravings to period flow, and apps provide predictions based on these inputs. The app predictions help with simple decisions, like when to buy tampons next, and provide life-changing observations, like whether you’re pregnant. The argument for submitting junk data is that doing so will trip up the apps’ algorithms, making it difficult or impossible for authorities or vigilantes to use the data to violate people’s privacy....
3 Ways To Protect Against Social Engineering Attacks

3 Ways To Protect Against Social Engineering Attacks

(BPT) - The foundation of all human relationships is trust. But our tendency to trust is exploited every day by hackers who engage in social engineering to gain unauthorized access to computer networks with the intent to steal data and cause financial harm. Social engineering attacks occur when fraudsters combine publicly accessible information and manipulative tactics to fool an unsuspecting victim into providing personal information and other sensitive identification data. Bad actors often begin the attacks by collecting personal information about their targets on social media accounts. Next, they contact the potential victim directly and pose as a trusted connection, such as an employer. These tactics can quickly lead to compromised credentials and the potential for account takeovers ...
The Epic, Unforgettable Story Of A Man Determined To Protect The Woman He Loves From The Town Desperate To Destroy Her

The Epic, Unforgettable Story Of A Man Determined To Protect The Woman He Loves From The Town Desperate To Destroy Her

A New York Times bestseller and Oprah Book Club 2.0 selection, the epic, unforgettable story of a man determined to protect the woman he loves from the town desperate to destroy her. This beautiful and devastating debut heralds the arrival of a major new voice in fiction. Ephram Jennings has never forgotten the beautiful girl with the long braids running through the piney woods of Liberty, their small East Texas town. Young Ruby Bell, “the kind of pretty it hurt to look at,” has suffered beyond imagining, so as soon as she can, she flees suffocating Liberty for the bright pull of 1950s New York. Ruby quickly winds her way into the ripe center of the city—the darkened piano bars and hidden alleyways of the Village—all the while hoping for a glimpse of the red hair and green eyes of her mot...
What It Means To Protect A Loved One Revisiting Will Smith’s Slap Seen Around The World

What It Means To Protect A Loved One Revisiting Will Smith’s Slap Seen Around The World

It took less than a nanosecond before The Slap was seen around the world. It took a little longer – about two weeks – before the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences decided to ban Will Smith from appearing at another Oscar awards ceremony. But missing from the frenzy that consumed social media and mainstream channels about that infamous night has been a constructive discussion about the idea of protection – and how race plays a role in the perceptions of both the protectors and the protected. As a scholar of African American culture, philosophy and history, I believe the The Slap invites us to reassess the power of relations between partners and spouses. It also highlights the precarious lives of Black girls and women as a result of failures to protect them. The nature of prote...
A Law Professor Explains How Blockchains And NFTs Don’t Protect Virtual Property – Can You Truly Own Anything In The Metaverse?

A Law Professor Explains How Blockchains And NFTs Don’t Protect Virtual Property – Can You Truly Own Anything In The Metaverse?

In 2021, an investment firm bought 2,000 acres of real estate for about US$4 million. Normally this would not make headlines, but in this case the land was virtual. It existed only in a metaverse platform called The Sandbox. By buying 792 non-fungible tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, the firm then owned the equivalent of 1,200 city blocks. But did it? It turns out that legal ownership in the metaverse is not that simple. The prevailing but legally problematic narrative among crypto enthusiasts is that NFTs allow true ownership of digital items in the metaverse for two reasons: decentralization and interoperability. These two technological features have led some to claim that tokens provide indisputable proof of ownership, which can be used across various metaverse apps, environments an...
Treat The Problem Like A Game – The Best Way To Protect Personal Biomedical Data From Hackers

Treat The Problem Like A Game – The Best Way To Protect Personal Biomedical Data From Hackers

The best way to protect personal biomedical data from hackers could be to treat the problem like a game. The big idea Game theory, which tries to predict how the behavior of competitors influences the choices the other players make, can help researchers find the best ways to share biomedical data while protecting the anonymity of the people contributing the data from hackers. Modern biomedical research, such as the National COVID Cohort Collaborative and the Personal Genome Project, requires large amounts of data that are specific to individuals. Making detailed datasets publicly available without violating anyone’s privacy is a critical challenge for projects like these. To do so, many programs that collect and disseminate genomic data obscure personal information in the data that coul...
Strange Allies In The Fight To Protect Press Freedom: Project Veritas And The Mainstream Media

Strange Allies In The Fight To Protect Press Freedom: Project Veritas And The Mainstream Media

Jane E Kirtley, University of Minnesota An FBI raid on Project Veritas leader James O'Keefe’s home in early November 2021 has sparked an unusual demonstration of support from the very establishment media that O'Keefe has spent his career targeting and trashing. The raid was conducted on the suspicion that O’Keefe and former Project Veritas staffers were implicated in the theft of President Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley’s diary before the 2020 election. The Department of Justice said the cellphones sought in the raid would reveal evidence of aiding and abetting the transport of stolen property worth $5,000 or more across state lines, and of failure to report the theft to law enforcement in violation of federal law. Project Veritas says that the phones contain attorney-client privileged inf...
How to protect elections amid the coronavirus pandemic

How to protect elections amid the coronavirus pandemic

At least seven states have postponed their presidential primaries in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. That has raised concerns about the other states that have state elections and federal primary elections planned for later this summer – and of course the general election in November. The main concern, in terms of the pandemic, is that elections cause people to congregate at the polling places on Election Day. If it’s not safe to be within six feet of someone outside your immediate family, it’s seems ill-advised to line up with all your neighbors to check in, or to visit a small voting booth someone else was just in, or to pick up the same pen or touch the same touchscreen they used just moments ago. The solution so far has been to postpone elections until some future time when it’...