Tag: overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed? Approach coronavirus as a challenge to be met, not a threat to be feared

Feeling overwhelmed? Approach coronavirus as a challenge to be met, not a threat to be feared

You have a choice to make when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic. Do you treat this time as an insurmountable threat that pits you against everyone else? This option entails making decisions based solely on protecting yourself and your loved ones: stockpiling supplies regardless of what that leaves for others; continuing to host small gatherings because you’re personally at lower risk; or taking no precautions because the effort seems futile. Or do you treat the coronavirus as a collective challenge that will require shared sacrifices to achieve a difficult but not impossible goal? That option would mean taking recommended precautions: practicing social distancing, hand-washing and restricting travel. These actions might not be your most desired or convenient path as an individual, bu...
Overwhelmed? 8 ways to alleviate that feeling

Overwhelmed? 8 ways to alleviate that feeling

Feeling overwhelmed leads to poor productivity, stress, emotional upheaval and, according to Psychcentral.com, anger, helplessness and panic attacks Suffocation is an analogy equated often with the feeling of being overwhelmed. No wonder it can be so paralyzing. Feeling overwhelmed leads to poor productivity, stress, emotional upheaval and, according to Psychcentral.com, anger, helplessness and panic attacks, with possible symptoms of rapid heartbeat, sweating, chest pain and shortness of breath. People become overwhelmed for a range of reasons, such as the birth of a child, death of a loved one, a move, a job change, having overnight visitors and more. Psychcentral.com’s strategies to help alleviate feeling overwhelmed include: ‒ Accept the anxiety and, “Think of acceptance as ridi...