Tag: neighborly

Ways to be neighborly and keep social distancing

Ways to be neighborly and keep social distancing

“Won’t you be my neighbor?” Fred Rogers sang this song upwards of 900 times during 31 seasons of “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.” But how is being a good neighbor possible during this time of quarantines and social distancing? Tracy Kirby Harbold, executive director of the Upper Arlington Community Foundation in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio, said its Good Neighbor Fund has experienced an increase in monetary donations and gift cards in the past month. “People want to do something to help neighbors,” said Harbold, pointing out that about 33,000 live in the community. “We will pay rent, car payments, insurance, back bills ... whatever is the need.” She added, “The silver lining in this is that people are looking at their neighbors and asking how they can help them. They are checking on seni...