Tag: interfaces

Brain-Computer Interfaces Could Allow Soldiers To Control Weapons With Their Thoughts And Turn Off Their Fear – But The Ethics Of Neurotechnology Lags Behind The Science

Brain-Computer Interfaces Could Allow Soldiers To Control Weapons With Their Thoughts And Turn Off Their Fear – But The Ethics Of Neurotechnology Lags Behind The Science

Imagine that a soldier has a tiny computer device injected into their bloodstream that can be guided with a magnet to specific regions of their brain. With training, the soldier could then control weapon systems thousands of miles away using their thoughts alone. Embedding a similar type of computer in a soldier’s brain could suppress their fear and anxiety, allowing them to carry out combat missions more efficiently. Going one step further, a device equipped with an artificial intelligence system could directly control a soldier’s behavior by predicting what options they would choose in their current situation. While these examples may sound like science fiction, the science to develop neurotechnologies like these is already in development. Brain-computer interfaces, or BCI, are techno...