Tag: horoscope

Cosmic Gossip Libra’s Monthly Horoscope

Cosmic Gossip Libra’s Monthly Horoscope

Libra is the peacemaker, a natural for negotiation and diplomacy. She dislikes conflict and will go to any length to avoid confrontations. Harmony is her preference, but do not take Libra for a pushover, history records the births of most of our famous generals to be in the sign of Libra. Fair is fair and this is the sign best suited to command an army. Tandem, two, duets and all things in pairs are best suited for Libra. She speaks in the language of "we". We'll see you later...we'll be right back...we'll call...etc. etc. You can spot a Libra in a crowd because he or she will be with one person rather than mingle. Comfortable in partnership, Libra gravitates to another Libra, since the ground rules are already in place for a relationship. If you love a Libra, share everything. Cons...