Tag: examples

Why Do American Voters Keep Letting Elected Officials Get Away With This? 5 Examples

Why Do American Voters Keep Letting Elected Officials Get Away With This? 5 Examples

I'm sick and tired, and not going to take it anymore! This line, from the decades - ago, movie, Network, expressed an individual's frustration, which what seemed to continue, occurring, and how, many of us, instead of being served, and represented, by our elected officials, seem to be, merely, serviced (and abused/ taken advantage of)! Little has changed, since then, especially, for the better! We continue, witnessing, the same - old, same - old, where these people, care more about their personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest, than helping service, the greater good, and attempting, a meeting - of - the - minds! There are, at least 5 examples, of this type of continuing behavior, and, the reality is, only, when voters, start demanding better, and more, from these people, th...
What Is Interactive Marketing? [Types & Examples]

What Is Interactive Marketing? [Types & Examples]

Today, marketers have reached a point where unfocused marketing campaigns are no longer effective. Instead, consumers expect hyper-individualized digital marketing messages that have become scalable thanks to the ever-evolving marketing techniques. One such technique or form of marketing is interactive marketing. Brands can use interactive marketing to engage consumers by delivering customized messages and results to them.  But what does interactive marketing exactly mean and how can you implement it? Read on to find out! <br /> What Is Interactive Marketing? Interactive marketing is a process that lets you create a two-way relationship with your clients. It involves inviting them to share their opinion and answer some relevant questions in order to receive a personalized outcom...
How Colors Affect Conversions- Examples & Applications

How Colors Affect Conversions- Examples & Applications

Audiences online have limited attention spans. They’re powering through websites (and digesting information at 1,000,000 miles an hour). The sole means to grab their attention is to stand out among all the chaos. That’s where color comes in. This especially works in today’s world as companies seek to use this type of psychology to bring in more customers. So in this guide, we will talk about how colors affect conversions and help boost your business. Summary When colors are being chosen by a company for their website, a number of factors are considered by the marketers and designers. These factors can be anything ranging from culture to the person’s perspective and preferences. Some Facts About Colors and Products 1. According to some surveys, when people buy a product, 93% of them say th...
Black Muslims And Black Christians Have To Be The Examples Of Spiritual Maturity To The World

Black Muslims And Black Christians Have To Be The Examples Of Spiritual Maturity To The World

"And thou wilt find the nearest in friendship to the believers(Muslims) to be those who say, We are Christians. That is because there are priests and monks among them and because they are not proud." (Qur'an 5:82) The Hon. Louis Farrakhan once said if Jesus and Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon them) were standing on this stage with me they would both embrace, because they come from the same root, God. However, the followers of both divine prophets, in many cases, have not found the same love because of supposed religious differences. Muslims killing Christians and Christians killing Muslims dominate the news, but we all supposedly worship the same righteous God? Part of the mission of The Hon. Louis Farrakhan is to destroy these divisions in religion. From the beginning of his rebuildin...