Tag: event

Ready to run: How to safely prepare for a running event

Ready to run: How to safely prepare for a running event

Summertime into fall is replete with outdoor casual competitions. Color runs, obstacle courses, triathlons and 5Ks are enjoyable exercise goals for anyone from die-hard athletes to the minimally fitness-focused. Summertime into fall is replete with outdoor casual competitions. Not prepared? No sweat! Give a personal trainer the dates of the activities and ask him or her to set up a preparation workout schedule. Or, check out sites such as health.clevelandclinic.org, which provides safe preparation tips: - If necessary, check with a physician prior to the event. - Get plenty of sleep – at least seven to eight hours. - Run several times a week. Fitness gurus such as Ben Greenfield recommend at least three times a week. He offers this regimen: “For example, one day can be your ‘fast day,’ ...
Local youth perform at black history event

Local youth perform at black history event

Dozens of children and youth groups performed during the Anniston Housing Authority’s third annual Black History Month program at the Carver Community Center Friday evening. The center’s gym was packed with more than 200 people who came to watch the performances. Source: Local youth perform at black history event - The Anniston Star: Entertainment