Tag: emoji

Boomers Blamed For Demise Of Emoji

Boomers Blamed For Demise Of Emoji

So, have you heard? Supposedly, the laugh cry emoji has become uncool and using it is a sure sign you're old. Stop the presses! Gen Z - those born after 1997 - have apparently declared this to be so on social media, especially TikTok. This despite the fact that the emoji has been extremely popular since 2017. As a CNN article noted: "'Face with Tears of Joy,' the official name for the laughing crying emoji, is the most-used emoji on Emojitracker, a website that shows real-time emoji use on Twitter." In 2020, it was still the most popular emoji. So, what happened? Are Baby Boomers to Blame? Of course, as with everything else, we boomers are being blamed for its demise. Jeremy Burge, the chief emoji officer of Emojipedia, recently wrote a blog post that said: "It's common wisdom on ...