Tag: embrace

How Do You Embrace A Growth Mindset?

How Do You Embrace A Growth Mindset?

Have you ever faced a challenge in your business that you couldn't break from or move forward? Or maybe you're in a challenging situation, circumstance or condition at this very moment. Every challenging condition you go through has a silver lining, even if you can't see it right away. The secret to seeing the value of every struggle is shifting your mindset about the situation. As human beings, our minds constantly watch the events that happen in our lives. Our mindset determines how we perceive these events and how we react to them. A fixed mindset involves self-imposed limitations. People with a fixed mindset believe their character, intelligence, and creative abilities are static and they can't be changed in a meaningful manner. So, if you don't believe in yourself, who will? In...
To Teach AI How To Handle New Situations, Change The Rules Of The Game And Embrace The Unexpected

To Teach AI How To Handle New Situations, Change The Rules Of The Game And Embrace The Unexpected

My colleagues and I changed a digital version of Monopoly so that instead of getting US$200 each time a player passes Go, the player is charged a wealth tax. We didn’t do this to gain an advantage or trick anyone. The purpose is to throw a curveball at artificial intelligence agents that play the game. Our aim is to help the agents learn to handle unexpected events, something AIs to date have been decidedly bad at. Giving AIs this kind of adaptability is important for futuristic systems like surgical robots, but also algorithms in the here and now that decide who should get bail, who should get approved for a credit card and whose resume gets through to a hiring manager. Not dealing well with the unexpected in any of those situations can have disastrous consequences. AI agents need the a...
To be a great innovator, learn to embrace and thrive in uncertainty

To be a great innovator, learn to embrace and thrive in uncertainty

Madam C.J. Walker, born Sarah Breedlove, was America’s first female self-made millionaire. She pioneered a line of hair care and beauty products for people of color early in the 20th century, and the recent Netflix series “Self Made” details the story of this talented innovator and the challenges she overcame on the way to her success. To accomplish her goals, she had to face overwhelming uncertainties. How would she finance her business? Would her partnerships fail? Would her products sell? Would ruthless competition and racism get in her way? Madame Walker’s future was far from certain when she began her journey, but that did not dissuade her. Madam Walker was willing and able to face uncertain situations as she grew her business. The Smithsonian via Wikimedia Commons It is tempting to ...
Will colleges embrace Black student activists In this era of protest over racism?

Will colleges embrace Black student activists In this era of protest over racism?

In 2018, sociologist Ted Thornhill found that Black students who profess an interest in fighting racism were less likely to get a response from college admission officers than other Black students when inquiring about whether they would be a good fit for a particular college. In light of the nationwide anti-racism protests sparked by the May 25 killing of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, when a police officer knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes, The Conversation reached out to Thornhill for his thoughts on whether Black activist students might be more welcome on campus now than before. The Q&A, edited for brevity, is below: Do you expect wider acceptance of Black activism on college campuses? Will some number of colleges and universities that did not embrace Black student ...