Tag: effect

To Help Combat The Urban Heat Island Effect Satellites Zoom In On Cities’ Hottest Neighborhoods

To Help Combat The Urban Heat Island Effect Satellites Zoom In On Cities’ Hottest Neighborhoods

Spend time in a city in summer and you can feel the urban heat rising from the pavement and radiating from buildings. Cities are generally hotter than surrounding rural areas, but even within cities, some residential neighborhoods get dangerously warmer than others just a few miles away. Within these “micro-urban heat islands,” communities can experience heat wave conditions well before officials declare a heat emergency. I use Earth-observing satellites and population data to map these hot spots, often on projects with NASA. Satellites like the Landsat program have become crucial for pinpointing urban risks so cities can prepare for and respond to extreme heat, a top weather-related killer. Among the many things we’ve been able to track with increasingly detailed satellite data is that...
Texas New Abortion Law Just Took Effect — Here’s What It Does — And What You Need To Know

Texas New Abortion Law Just Took Effect — Here’s What It Does — And What You Need To Know

HEALTH Texas’ law banning abortions after six weeks of pregnancy took effect. Here’s what you need to know now. Orion Rummler Originally published by The 19th Texas’ law effectively banning abortions after six weeks of pregnancy took effect at midnight September 1. Lawsuits are pending, but for now, clinics must comply with the ban. Whole Woman’s Health, one abortion provider in the state that was named by providers in the joint plea to the Supreme Court to block the law, was still providing abortions within minutes before midnight, CEO Amy Hagstrom Miller told reporters on Wednesday. The law also empowers private citizens to sue anyone they believe may have “aided or abetted” someone getting an abortion after six weeks, which has caused confusion. Under the law, Senate Bill 8, pati...
Having A Chilling Effect On How Educators Teach About Racism – Bans On Critical Race Theory

Having A Chilling Effect On How Educators Teach About Racism – Bans On Critical Race Theory

Nicholas Ensley Mitchell, University of Kansas Perhaps no topic has dominated education news in 2021 like the debate over whether or not critical race theory should be taught – or whether it is even being taught – in America’s schools. Critical race theory is an academic framework that holds that racism is embedded in American society and its institutions. The debate about whether K-12 students should be exposed to this theory has prompted some Republican-controlled state legislatures to pass laws to make sure that never happens. As of early July 2021, six states have passed laws that seek to ban instruction on critical race theory in K-12 schools, although the laws rarely mention critical race theory by name. The new laws in Idaho, Texas, Oklahoma, Iowa, New Hampshire and Tennessee al...
Research Shows That The ‘Bystander Effect’ Is Real – When More People Witness Violence, It’s More Likely Someone Will Step Up And Intervene

Research Shows That The ‘Bystander Effect’ Is Real – When More People Witness Violence, It’s More Likely Someone Will Step Up And Intervene

The most powerful evidence for the prosecution at the trial of Derek Chauvin was a video showing the then-Minneapolis police officer pinning a pleading George Floyd to the ground by kneeling on his neck until he grew silent and then died. On the witness stand, the teenager who captured the incident on her smartphone, 17-year-old Darnella Frazier, expressed regret for not doing more on the day of the crime. As a professor whose major field of research is the application of psychology and game theory to ethics, I believe that Frazier’s regret about not physically intervening illuminates two major points: First, a witness to a troubling situation who is in a group may feel a lesser sense of personal responsibility than a single individual. Second, someone in a group of people who can see on...
Trump Effect STRIKES AGAIN: Walmart Shopper Assaults Hispanic Employee With Vile Racist Rant

Trump Effect STRIKES AGAIN: Walmart Shopper Assaults Hispanic Employee With Vile Racist Rant

A customer at a Wal-Mart in Irving, Texas, saw fit to casually share his racist views about Hispanic people (who he referred to as “foreigners”) with a female Hispanic employee trying to help him. The employee, an immigrant from El Salvador who became a U.S. Citizen 20 years ago, felt it necessary to take her phone and record a racist tirade from a white male customer being directed at her and an African-American customer. In the video, the man can be heard telling the employee that people like her need to “go to your own countries” and fix their problems there. “It has hurt me a lot because we are working people. We pay our taxes. We have children who study in college,” said Adela, who spoke on the condition that only her first name be used because she is concerned for her well...
Type 2 Diabetes – A Diagnosis of Diabetes Can Have A Positive Effect on Your Life

Type 2 Diabetes – A Diagnosis of Diabetes Can Have A Positive Effect on Your Life

Even the worst situations may not be as tragic as they initially seem. When the harsh facts are presented, it is easy to narrow your focus on what is most alarming. In the process, you may not consider the positive aspects of a situation, even if they are minimal. When the odds seem stacked against you and your circumstances bleak, it pays to hold onto hope. One frightening situation for many adults is when they are given a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes. At first, the condition may seem bewildering and foreign, but as you will learn, even small changes in your lifestyle can help you to manage the effects. At some point, the disease has got to be stopped in its tracks. If you care about your well-being and ability to live a long, productive life, you will put into motion a plan that hel...