Tag: debacle

Wake Up America! Beware Of Change For Change Sake: The Health Care Debate/Debacle

Wake Up America! Beware Of Change For Change Sake: The Health Care Debate/Debacle

Ever since, the, then - controlled, Democratic Congress, passed/ enacted the Affordable Care Act (ACA, Obamacare), the opposition, Republican Party (GOP), has continuously attempted to repeal this legislation. While Obama was President, he possessed the veto - power, so the dozens of attempts, became little more than costly, time - wasting positioning. These politicians were able to try to motivate their bases/ constituencies, using a combination of empty rhetoric and promises, blaming, complaining, and negativity, while not having to bring forth a viable solution/ replacement. With the elections of 2016, when Trump was elected President, and the Republicans had control of both houses of Congress, these politicians found themselves, having to put up, or shut up, because they were expect...