Tag: cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Is Changing The Way Colleges Do Business With Students And Donors

Cryptocurrency Is Changing The Way Colleges Do Business With Students And Donors

Until about 2020, universities used cryptocurrencies only to pay ransoms to criminals attacking their networks. A fast payment to criminals helped victim universities restore their networks quickly. With increasing public adoption of cryptocurrencies, especially among young consumers, universities are exploring them, too. As of early 2022, 20% of U.S. consumers had used cryptocurrencies. According to an April 2022 report, 28% of 13- to 39-year-olds had purchased at least one type of cryptocurrency. Among consumers in this age group, 13% had purchased and 38% were interested in a particular offshoot of cryptocurrencies called non-fungible tokens. Cryptocurrencies have lost market value from a peak of about US$3 trillion in November 2021 to $804 billion in November 2022. And their uses are...
Dramatic Collapse Of The Cryptocurrency Exchange FTX Contains Lessons For Investors But Won’t Affect Most People

Dramatic Collapse Of The Cryptocurrency Exchange FTX Contains Lessons For Investors But Won’t Affect Most People

In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, vast sums of money can be made or lost in the blink of an eye. In early November 2022, the second-largest cryptocurrency exchange, FTX, was valued at more than US$30 billion. By Nov. 14, FTX was in bankruptcy proceedings along with more than 100 companies connected to it. D. Brian Blank and Brandy Hadley are professors who study finance, investing and fintech. They explain how and why this incredible collapse happened, what effect it might have on the traditional financial sector and whether you need to care if you don’t own any cryptocurrency. 1. What happened? In 2019, Sam Bankman-Fried founded FTX, a company that ran one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges. FTX is where many crypto investors trade and hold their cryptocurrency, similar t...
DAOs – Cryptocurrency-Funded Groups Are Becoming Charities – Here Are Some Issues To Watch For

DAOs – Cryptocurrency-Funded Groups Are Becoming Charities – Here Are Some Issues To Watch For

Cryptocurrency is becoming a more familiar way to pay for things. One option is as part of a crowd, through a decentralized autonomous organization. In this relatively new kind of group, also called a DAO, decisions and choices are governed by holders of one kind of cryptocurrency token, such as ethereum or bitcoin. DAOs also use “smart contracts” that make decisions through online votes by all participants who wish to weigh in and other forms of automation. DAOs are essentially clubs that harness both crowdfunding and cryptocurrency to operate in arenas from art to sports. They are also cropping up in philanthropy. One good example is the Big Green DAO. Launched in late 2021, it’s tied to a decade-old food justice charity that had revenue in excess of US$9 million in 2019. Big Green’s...
A Cryptocurrency Expert Explains NFTs – How Nonfungible Tokens Work And Where They Get Their Value

A Cryptocurrency Expert Explains NFTs – How Nonfungible Tokens Work And Where They Get Their Value

Nonfungible tokens prove ownership of a digital item – image, sound file or text – in the same way that people own crypto coins. · Unlike crypto coins, which are identical and worth the same, NFTs are unique. · An NFT is worth what someone is willing to pay for it, which can be a lot if the NFT is made by a famous artist and the buyer is a wealthy collector. An attorney friend recently asked me out of the blue about nonfungible tokens, or NFTs. What prompted his interest was the sale of a collage composed of 5,000 digital pieces, auctioned by Christie’s on March 11, 2021, for a remarkable US$69 million. Mike Winkelmann, an artist known as Beeple, created this piece of digital art, made an NFT of it and offered it for sale. The bidding started at $100, and the rest of the auctioning pr...

Can we trust Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency?

Social media giant says currency will "empower billions of people" but critics warn it could threaten privacy.   Video of Can we trust Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency? | The Stream Just 15 years ago Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook from a college dormitory in Massachusetts, beginning a dizzying rise to its current position as the world's ubiquitous social media network. Now Facebook is on the verge of launching a new digital currency called Libra . Libra is being touted as a global currency that will allow individuals to make instant transactions through approved apps, underpinned by secure “Libra blockchain" technology. Major companies including eBay, Mastercard, Visa and Vodafone are backing the Libra currency, which will be pegged to a ...
Saudi Man Admits Paying for “Sadistic” Child Pornography with Cryptocurrency

Saudi Man Admits Paying for “Sadistic” Child Pornography with Cryptocurrency

In a court in the Eastern District of Virginia, a Saudi national admitted downloading child abuse content from a darkweb platform that provided illegal content to paying members. The announcement, published on the Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs’ website, highlighted the fact that the defendant had “paid cryptocurrency” to access this darkweb platform in search of illegal pictures and videos. The case, brought to the attention of law enforcement agencies by Project Safe Childhood, is one of only a small number of cases involving child abuse platforms with a membership fee payable in cryptocurrency. These forums, chat rooms, imageboards, and and similar content distribution sites have often presented a barrier of entry for law enforcement by requiring members or ...