Tag: colors

How Colors Affect Conversions- Examples & Applications

How Colors Affect Conversions- Examples & Applications

Audiences online have limited attention spans. They’re powering through websites (and digesting information at 1,000,000 miles an hour). The sole means to grab their attention is to stand out among all the chaos. That’s where color comes in. This especially works in today’s world as companies seek to use this type of psychology to bring in more customers. So in this guide, we will talk about how colors affect conversions and help boost your business. Summary When colors are being chosen by a company for their website, a number of factors are considered by the marketers and designers. These factors can be anything ranging from culture to the person’s perspective and preferences. Some Facts About Colors and Products 1. According to some surveys, when people buy a product, 93% of them say th...
The Colors Of Poop

The Colors Of Poop

Why is my poop brown? Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you’d like an expert to answer, send it to curiouskidsus@theconversation.com. Why is my poop brown? – Ethan J., age 9, Potomac, Maryland Three-quarters of your poop consists of water and most of the rest is food your body didn’t digest. Once it exits the digestive system, poop is usually a shade of brown, regardless of the appearance of whatever you’ve had to eat and drink, because it contains a chemical your body makes. That chemical, stercobilin, is a product of the breakdown of hemoglobin – an iron-containing protein in red blood cells that allows oxygen to be transported around the body. Without sercobilin, your poop would probably look pale or even white. That’s because most of t...