Tag: boycotting

I Support NFL Players’ Protests. But I’m Not Boycotting the NFL

I Support NFL Players’ Protests. But I’m Not Boycotting the NFL

Because at this moment in time the power of Black athletes is overcoming the power of White billionaires. If you’re a progressive (if you’re anyone, really) there is a multitude of extremely justifiable reasons not to support the NFL. There’s the inherently violent nature of the game of football and the league’s refusal to properly acknowledge concerns about concussions and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. There’s the corrupt commissioner and the odious owners who punish smoking marijuana more strictly than domestic abuse. There’s literally everything about the team that plays in the District of Columbia. There’s the brain damage, the suicides, the homophobic bullying, the misogynistic treatment of cheerleaders, the well-established racism, the shameless commercialism,...