Tag: boycott


Alleged secret boycott falls on death ears

As we reported July 12, 2016 about the alleged secret boycott called for over the rise of shootings by law enforcement, unfortunately did not have much of an impact, but what would you expect to happen with the project being secret. As a matter of fact this alleged boycott was so secret that we can't seem to find a single person that actually participated or maybe that's a secret to. Calls made to Target Stores and Coca Cola Bottling Products the target of the boycott were meet with chuckles when asked about the alleged boycott and answered with "Boycott! What Boycott? We Know Of No Such Boycott Against Our Company". When asked about any decline in revenue between July 8th and August 9th, The answer was "No Were Having A Great Summer". We also spoke to representatives of some well know Bla...

Anonymous Tip Exposes Secret Boycott Action

We have received a tip of a secret boycott in the works due to the rash of shootings of black people by law enforcement nation wide.  The boycott has been in force since July 8th 2016 and schedule to run until August 9th with two main companies Target Stores and Coca Cola Bottling Products as the target of the boycott. Why is it being called a secret? The call for this boycott is being texted via cell phone to people across the nation and ask each person that receives the txt to forward it to seven more people. They are also ask not to share this information on any social media platform (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) no social media only txt or word of mouth. The boycott is also calling for the organizing of one million black people to move $100 dollars to black owned businesses and banks ...