Tag: black

Overcoming The Pain Of Being A Black Man In America

Overcoming The Pain Of Being A Black Man In America

After joining The Nation of Islam in the 50's, The Hon. Louis Farrakhan wrote a very telling song which he titled "A White Man's Heaven Is A Black Man's Hell". Every Blackman of age can bear witness to the truthfulness of the song's title and lyrics. It is PURE HELL being a Blackman in the world of white supremacy. We are murdered by judge, jury and executioner police officers. We are outright disrespected. We are profiled. We are guilty until proven innocent. Our opinions are not held to serious weight, etc. Everywhere we go there are signs that this world still sees us as inferior beings. The office of president is supposed to be the highest in the land, yet our black brother president, Barack Obama, is still disrespected as though he were the white house janitor. In response to this ...
Are Dreadlocks Black Culture or a Unique Hairstyle For the Entire World?

Are Dreadlocks Black Culture or a Unique Hairstyle For the Entire World?

Can anyone grow dreadlocks or just Black people? Black people's kinky hair leads many to believe they are the only race that grows dreadlocks. Therefore, it's a part of Black culture. But everywhere in the world, you can find people with all types of dreadlocks. Dreadlocks are the natural result of three to six months uncombed hair. Strains of hair intertwine together and create "ropes" or "locs". All types of hair eventually clunk or matte together if left free of combs and hair relaxers for a long time. The texture of the hair determines how long it takes. Thick coarse hair develops or grows dreadlocks fast, easy, and may not need chemicals or twisting. Thin straight hair will take longer. Also, it requires chemicals and twisting. Most Blacks' hair is coarse while other races have stra...
Let’s Just Call a Spade a Spade – Black and Gay Not the Same

Let’s Just Call a Spade a Spade – Black and Gay Not the Same

Some things in this world are destined to change and some things, no doubt, will remain the same. When it comes to race and sexuality though, homosexual activists, with the help of some misguided black folk, are desperately trying to blur the lines of distinction. Take, for example, the Atlanta-based political lobby of Georgia Equality Project (GEP). The GEP has taken up the case of being black folks' advocates in an attempt to shore up support for homosexual agendas. They have introduced the People of Color Initiative, which among other things seeks out and encourages African-American homosexuals to run for public office. Harry Knox and his crew are busy profiling themselves with a case involving a black homosexual man who alleges that he is the continuing target of "homophobia" at Ford'...
Why We Need to Say Black Lives Matter

Why We Need to Say Black Lives Matter

I'm going to give you an analogy here. It's not a perfect analogy, because I'm using the example of children, and Black Lives Matter is not only about children, by a long shot. Here's the scene: You're a white parent of a white boy, now in his junior year of high school in a town of mostly white people. This is a town where kids start in school with each other and are with the same kids all the way through high school-basically, a closed system. In testing all through school, your son came out just as smart as everyone else, and somewhat smarter than some. The minute your son stepped into kindergarten, almost all the other kids thought it would be fun to tease him until he cried. This went on all through kindergarten, elementary school, middle school. The teasing turned to name-calling, ...

What Black Men and Peacocks Have in Common

The interesting thing about being the only black man, and black person, in an office is that I have this unique opportunity to educate white people about black culture. For me, and many black men in my position, we find that once the initial barrier of resistance is overcome and a right of passage is granted, a competent and professional black man can go about the serious business of shattering stereotypes, representing the entire black race, and engaging in the refined behaviors that engender trust from our colleagues. After all, for many of the whites that we are exposed to, most will have had very limited, if any intimate contact with other black men. Yes, trust is the key that opens up the door to comfort and intimacy with our white corporate colleagues. That's why, when one of them ...
Dating in Black Culture

Dating in Black Culture

Dating in black culture used to start with meeting the girl, maybe in school or at the library. If you're older maybe you would meet someone at work or the grocery store. After that first meeting you would exchange phone numbers, talk on the phone a few times and set up that first date. You might go to the movies or a nice restaurant and you get to know the person you are dating. My how things have changed! Today first contacts are not happening in grocery stores but in chatrooms. Talking on the phone is replaced by text messages and emails. First dates and meetings are happening months later after spending lots of time getting to know each other often from great distances and also through the virtual world of the internet. Welcome to dating in the black culture, the 21st century edition....
Black People And Our Fascination With Following Dead Leaders

Black People And Our Fascination With Following Dead Leaders

"Why do you seek the living one among the dead?" Luke 24:5 We love to worship the dead. We wait till our good leaders die then we name a street after them and/ or put up a symbolic picture and claim that was my man... I follow him. Meanwhile, the living leader is ignored while we quote the words of a dead leader, marvel over his deeds and wonder what he would do if he was present. We can speculate all day but will never know how they will respond to present conditions. Once the[in the present] ignored living leader is dead we give him his props, put up a picture, name an alley after him and the cycle continues when a new living leader comes among us. While I am speaking of this as an issue within the context of the black community there is evidence of this being a universal phenomenon....
We Must Have Black Unity Now More Than Ever

We Must Have Black Unity Now More Than Ever

The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad and The Hon. Louis Farrakhan have preached for a combined 84 year period that the solution to black suffering, poor black conditions and other ills is the simple principle of black unity. We have the brightest minds and the richest pockets(collectively), but we don't yet see the need for group unity and operations. Because a Muslim(Elijah & Farrakhan) have made the call many reject because they think it's a "Muslim thing". However, we are suffering not because of religion, but because of and simply due to us being black inside of this society. If we are suffering (collectively) because we are black then should we not put aside whatever differences we have for the greater good? If you are a Black Muslim you are suffering. If you are a Black Christian you ...

Black Muslims And Black Christians Have To Be The Examples Of Spiritual Maturity To The World

"And thou wilt find the nearest in friendship to the believers(Muslims) to be those who say, We are Christians. That is because there are priests and monks among them and because they are not proud." (Qur'an 5:82) The Hon. Louis Farrakhan once said if Jesus and Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon them) were standing on this stage with me they would both embrace, because they come from the same root, God. However, the followers of both divine prophets, in many cases, have not found the same love because of supposed religious differences. Muslims killing Christians and Christians killing Muslims dominate the news, but we all supposedly worship the same righteous God? Part of the mission of The Hon. Louis Farrakhan is to destroy these divisions in religion. From the beginning of his rebuilding o...