Tag: aries

Aries Here Are Your Lucky Days

Aries Here Are Your Lucky Days

People born in the date range of March 21st through April 19th have the Astrology sun sign of Ares the Ram. As an Aries, you probably know your basic Horoscope, but did you know that there are particular days and hours of the Month which are especially lucky for you? Here are some times when you will be especially lucky. Lucky Moon Days If you were birthday falls in the range of March 21st through March 28th, you will be luckier during the days of the New Moon. If it falls in the range of March 29th through April 5th, you will be luckier during the days of the second quarter of the Moon. If your birthday falls in the range of April 6th through April 13th, you will be luckier during the days of the Full moon. Finally, if you were born in the range of April 14th through April 19th, you...