Tag: alleviate

Overwhelmed? 8 ways to alleviate that feeling

Overwhelmed? 8 ways to alleviate that feeling

Feeling overwhelmed leads to poor productivity, stress, emotional upheaval and, according to Psychcentral.com, anger, helplessness and panic attacks Suffocation is an analogy equated often with the feeling of being overwhelmed. No wonder it can be so paralyzing. Feeling overwhelmed leads to poor productivity, stress, emotional upheaval and, according to Psychcentral.com, anger, helplessness and panic attacks, with possible symptoms of rapid heartbeat, sweating, chest pain and shortness of breath. People become overwhelmed for a range of reasons, such as the birth of a child, death of a loved one, a move, a job change, having overnight visitors and more. Psychcentral.com’s strategies to help alleviate feeling overwhelmed include: ‒ Accept the anxiety and, “Think of acceptance as ridi...