
For Unity

For Unity

Every few decades there have been moments that seem to suggest the United States might somehow get its act together. Unfortunately, today there have been no moments that even come close to imply we as a nation will finally pull together to secure a better future for all. The stark reality and the cold truth facing America is that greed, and the lack of cohesiveness between all political parties have pitted on entity against the other. Consequently, the United States is anything but united. Too many splinter groups and organizations each with their own brand of agendas continue to pull this nation apart. With the current Administration bumbling their way toward a vision that is incompatible with the majority Americans opens the door wide open to encourage a unity of purpose from all sides ...
The Deep State Shadow Government Hidden Within Our Elected Government

The Deep State Shadow Government Hidden Within Our Elected Government

The so called "Deep State" or "Shadow Government" is within the minds of those employees working in the U.S. government who are in opposition to the elected power structure that has developed over the many decades of U.S. history? How is the deep state able to survive over the many years of changing governments? The deep state lurks within the shadow that nobody can see. This deep state that is commonly referred to as the shadow government that can't be seen but can be heard at times though leaked classified government information to media sources that share their same thoughts. The so called deep state comes out of the shadow as the government they want gets elected then goes back into the shadow and onto the mossy landing that is their mind when the government they hate returns and ejec...
Fate, Destiny, Purpose – It’s the Same Thing

Fate, Destiny, Purpose – It’s the Same Thing

Fate, destiny, and purpose are really the same thing. Our definition determines the positive or negative view of these words in reference to our own lives. One of these words is mostly used to define something negative, and one of these words always seems positive, while the third word can go either way. Fate. Fate can have a very negative connotation. "It was fate" that she would be hurt by the very weapon she used against others. Miriam Webster a: an inevitable and often adverse outcome, condition, or end b: disaster; especially death. We all know that when we hear "It was fatal", we know it means death. Destiny. "He was destined to drop out of school", "He was destined to become a doctor". Miriam Webster: something to which a person or thing is destined a: fortune destiny. Accor...
Related But Not the Same: Guilt and Shame, Embarrassment and Humiliation

Related But Not the Same: Guilt and Shame, Embarrassment and Humiliation

As an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) practitioner I ask my clients all the time, "How does that make you feel? What emotion does that bring up for you?" While I often hear guilt and shame being used interchangeably, they are related but not the same. Guilt is feeling bad about a particular action you have taken. If you did something you consider wrong such as lie to, cheat, betray or hurt somebody, then guilt is an appropriate feeling and can be a catalyst for self-improvement. From guilt can come remorse, which implies a genuine sorrow at having hurt someone. Remorse generally leads to positive deeds such as admitting your mistakes, taking responsibility for your actions, a true apology, and a commitment to changing your behavior. On the other hand, if you know you tried your best i...
The Outline of Whites’ Violence Vs Blacks’ Nonviolence in American History

The Outline of Whites’ Violence Vs Blacks’ Nonviolence in American History

Introduction Various dissatisfactions may result in protests in a community or a society. Religious, economical, societal and political concerns are amongst the most important factors which provoke different groups and classes to counter act against the status quo. In most of the time such displeasures end in some political gained grants, trivial or general reformations in current law and mechanism and compromise and returning to pre-challenge era. But in some occasions the depth and level of discontent is in its extreme thus the protestors are looking for a fundamental reformation or in other words revolution and subversion. Overthrow can be done by civilians or servicemen, in societal level such a protest is known as a movement. In deed, social movements are acts and processes in which ...
Book Review Of Black Civil Rights In America

Book Review Of Black Civil Rights In America

In chapter one, Kevern Verney, begins with explaining about growth of urban population in American society in the last decades of 19th century by internal migration and mostly overseas immigration. Between 1880 and 1921 most of the immigrants arrived from southern and eastern European countries, but in the world war period because of wartime condition and also legal restrictions, European immigration fell and industrial growth led to great migration (1915-1925) in which 7 million African Americans escaped from racism in rural southern United States into cities. In fact they were offended from southern cities for some reasons such as suffering economic condition, and on the other hand boom in industrial productions created job opportunities for blacks in north. Their situation in north was...
Part III – Is The African American Community The Victim Of Failed Leadership?

Part III – Is The African American Community The Victim Of Failed Leadership?

As we have seen in Part I and II, the economic position of the African-American community is deteriorating instead of improving and dying instead of growing. The reason why this tragic decline is taking place stems from a lack of social consciousness and social cohesiveness. Social consciousness and social cohesiveness can only be achieved with intra-racial integration. It can not be achieved by any other means. Since 1865, not one African-American organization, group or religious body has deemed it necessary to advance the idea that African-Americans should integrate with themselves. This simple course of action has been neglected and intra-racial integration has been taken for granted. This oversight has plagued the African-American community for 142 years. For 142 years after slavery, ...
Part I – Is The African American Community The Victim Of Failed Leadership?

Part I – Is The African American Community The Victim Of Failed Leadership?

I can see it now, the Reverends Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are outraged that someone has the nerve to call them inept. Ezine Articles might not even publish this article because they might be concerned about backlash from various publics, civil rights advocates and the far left liberal wing of the Democratic Party. If we can criticize our Presidents and our national leaders, surely we can examine the track record of those individuals that have been identified by media sources and our political parties as leaders in various communities without being fearful of reprisals or being labeled a racist. Before we can begin to understand how African-American leaders have failed their people, it will be necessary to define what is meant by lead, to which people I am referring and to what goal o...
Overcoming The Pain Of Being A Black Man In America

Overcoming The Pain Of Being A Black Man In America

After joining The Nation of Islam in the 50's, The Hon. Louis Farrakhan wrote a very telling song which he titled "A White Man's Heaven Is A Black Man's Hell". Every Blackman of age can bear witness to the truthfulness of the song's title and lyrics. It is PURE HELL being a Blackman in the world of white supremacy. We are murdered by judge, jury and executioner police officers. We are outright disrespected. We are profiled. We are guilty until proven innocent. Our opinions are not held to serious weight, etc. Everywhere we go there are signs that this world still sees us as inferior beings. The office of president is supposed to be the highest in the land, yet our black brother president, Barack Obama, is still disrespected as though he were the white house janitor. In response to this ...

Does African-American Literature Exist?

The question of what makes a piece of writing African American literature or not is one that I have never been confronted with before. I have certainly never been challenged to question the entire existence of the genre before taking a course entitled "ENGL 234: Major Writers in African American Literature". On the contrary, frequent evenings spent perusing bookstores have fortified the notion in my mind that the genre is alive and well. Other literature courses have not touched on this subject at all much less brought this question to light. Through that course, however, I found that it is certainly one worth exploring and one that deserves a definitive answer. I have come to understand the genre of African American literature as encompassing any piece of literature that deals specificall...