Caviar Is Back In Fashion

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Caviar But Were Afraid To Ask!

Once just a symbol of wealth, power and privilege, caviar is back in fashion. Not only that, these exotic fish eggs can be purchased by the average person, if only for special occasions. So how does a person go about enjoying the delicacy of caviar?

Buying caviar can be a little tricky, not typically, caviar may be found in a specialty supermarket. Fresh caviar is a must. It may be sold in red, yellow and blue specialty tins, for the three top varieties of Beluga, Sevruga and Ossetra. It is available to buy over the internet through Caviar Xpress and other firms. The term “Mollosol” means “less salt” and refers to a finer class of caviar. A rare and exotic food item, the cost of caviar can be prohibitive, not usually less than about $100 per ounce.

First of all, it must be stored properly to not lose its flavor, texture and aroma. Once opened, caviar will last about three days. It should never be stored in the freezer, which will destroy its delicate taste and texture. Instead, it should be stored in the refrigerator at the coldest part – the very bottom drawer – at a temperature as close to -1 to -2 degrees Celsius as possible. Ten minutes before your guests arrive, remove it from the fridge, placing it at room temperature, but keep it covered until the very moment it is served.

Accompaniments to caviar are optional. If you choose to use them, try traditional blini’s (tiny pancakes) salt crackers, sour cream, or bits of toasted bread. A glass of champagne or “chilled to the bone” vodka is recommended. A normal serving is one or two ounces per person, unless it is being served on top of something else, in which that ratio may be halved.

Serving caviar on a bed of ice will also help it stay fresh and tasty for a little longer. Perhaps it is best served indoors in the summer months. There are special decorative serving dishes designed for this purpose.

Some gourmets claim that the mother of pearl spoon is the only way to go. Recent research shows that using a metal spoon won’t hurt the delicate taste, but your guests may not know that. To avoid giving them a reason to look down on your lovely caviar, for psychological reasons more than not, it is probably best to use the former instead of the latter.

Many people feel a pang of guilt eating the expensive and now environmentally endangered delicacy. American caviar production has made a comeback in recent years. Due to risk of endangerment, a ban was issued on exporting Beluga caviar from the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. In recent years, fish harvesting centers have taken the place of traditional fishing methods which has allowed the number of sturgeon to increase. The increase in fish egg harvesting can be likened to cultured pearly, which in many cases are just as lovely as rare, natural pearls.

For ethically produced, exceedingly high quality caviar, including sevruga caviar and Sturgeon caviar visit

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