Black Lives Matter Isn’t A Terrorist Organization In America – Says Its Founders
It’s the opinion of Lance Winslow that It Is. Read what he has to say about Black Lives Matter.
The other day, as an investigative reporter and think tank founder, I contacted some of the leadership of Black Lives Matter after I’d been involved in the petition to get BLM (Black Lives Matter) designated as a terrorist group – merely because their activities do fit the actual definition of terrorism; threatening violence to force political change. The leadership vehemently denied such allegations and refuted the Oxford Dictionary – claiming “white bias” which is silly, although perhaps it was a white man who had founded the Oxford Dictionary Team long ago.
The Founder of BLM got on CNN and stated he didn’t much like being called a terrorist or his organization being labeled as such a group. Yes, I hear what he is saying… but, the definition of terrorism stands. Cite: Dictionary. Of course, he didn’t like being called a terrorist for a different view point, just as I don’t like being called a racist every time I disagree with the Obama Administration or when I disagree with the left side of politics. One of the leaders suggested more community based policing in the neighborhoods. I agree with that solution, still Black Lives Matter is inciting violence.

In fact, George Soros gave $30 million to BLM to cause problems, protests, so BLM followers are being used for political propaganda.
I doubt anyone in this nation would disagree that there are challenges when it comes to racial profiling of blacks with regards to police. BLM has turned into a group that incites violence whether they wanted that or not – some did – even the head of the group didn’t particularly feel any remorse for the sniper killings – saying “what about all the blacks killed by police” instead. Yes, maybe so, but two-wrongs don’t make a right.
Maybe the media caused these things but BLM always seeks the media to garner attention, double edged sword. One you live by and/or die by apparently. Lastly, thank you for your policing background in your extended family – we need a solution – more protests, riots, RNC disruptions, killings of police isn’t the answer – the awareness concept you speak of isn’t working very well for Blacks in America – BLM is hurting the cause – time for a name change or re-branding. What’s going on today is not healthy for race-relations and it certainly won’t bring about positive change. I ask everyone to take a deep breath and consider all this.
Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. – Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow. Lance also writes eBooks on all sorts of topics including this one, check out the selection.
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