Tag: tiger

Tiger Woods – The Toast of Celebrity Gossip

Tiger Woods – The Toast of Celebrity Gossip

In celebrity gossip circles, many are referring to Tiger Woods as a single-handed stimulus package for this industry. The celeb gossip sites went abuzz with news and updates when the greatest sporting scandal of all time came to light. The entertainment news took to this scoop like a fire takes to a dry forest. The fact that Tiger Woods had a squeaking clean image before this made matters worse for him. The paparazzi sat up and took notice, arming themselves with the latest equipment in the business and the aim to dig photos of his long line of mistresses. The king of contemporary golf, however, disappointed the paparazzi big time. Since Thanksgiving, when his car crashed into a water hydrant as he was trying to escape a golf club brandishing Elin Woods, a real-time photo of Tiger Woods w...