Tag: strategies

Essential Strategies For Salary Negotiation

Essential Strategies For Salary Negotiation

In the workplace today, salary negotiation is often considered an art. It is something that is not just done mindlessly, there has to be careful thinking and planning that takes place before you can ask your employer for a pay raise. It also comes in handy during job interviews, when your future employer will talk about the offer they can provide. But if you learn about the effective strategies, then you can easily get the pay that you've always wanted. If you are being interviewed for a job, after the first few interviews you will already be asked about the package. This is an important opportunity that allows you to be assertive about what you want, so you don't feel that you got the short end of the stick. It's important to speak up but think well about what you say. Before you accept...
Highly Effective Digital Marketing Strategies

Highly Effective Digital Marketing Strategies

Would you like to learn some highly effective digital marketing strategies? But first of all, what is "digital marketing"? Some people believe it's a different form of internet marketing, but in truth, it's actually the same thing. These days people come up with all different kinds of terms to re-describe the same thing. Digital marketing is the same thing - people are just trying to profit off of a different wording of the same topic. I'm sure you've probably also heard the terms: "inbound marketing", "influencer marketing", "outbound marketing", and etc. But all of those are the same concepts of internet marketing strategies that have been already tested and proven to work. These people are just now figuring this stuff out. So digital marketing is just internet marketing. And also, some...
To Prepare Now For The Next Pandemic, Here’s 5 Strategies
IN OTHER NEWS, Journalism

To Prepare Now For The Next Pandemic, Here’s 5 Strategies

While the world is still reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic, public health and emergency management experts are already preparing for the next one. After all, biologists are certain another dangerous new pathogen will emerge sooner or later. We are public health researchers engaged in both leading public health disaster response and evaluating emergency management. Here are five strategies that will give the world a head start – and maybe even help prevent the next outbreak or epidemic from blowing up into a pandemic. 1. Shore up the systems already in place The identification in February 2021 of a new outbreak of Ebola in Guinea showed how critical surveillance and reporting are for rapidly responding to and containing infectious disease. The process generally works like this: Once an ...
Strategies For Parents To Reduce Kids Pandemic Stress

Strategies For Parents To Reduce Kids Pandemic Stress

Parents are dealing with huge demands on their time and energy. Children may not be attending school or involved in regular activities. As the pandemic continues to wreak havoc on families, routines have collapsed, patience is wearing thin and self-care is a distant memory. Making time to connect one on one is crucial. S&B Vonlanthen/Unsplash, CC BY Decades of research have taught us that adversity during childhood has damaging effects on health and development. Many studies have shown that kids who have faced abuse, neglect and family conflict struggle forming friendships, have academic difficulties and face physical and mental health problems in adolescence and adulthood. Fortunately, developmental scientists have identified ways to help children survive and thrive during times of ...
Your coping and resilience strategies might need to shift as the COVID-19 crisis continues

Your coping and resilience strategies might need to shift as the COVID-19 crisis continues

As people in the U.S. mark six months of coronavirus, the challenges of coping with life during a pandemic continue to evolve. Most recently, reopening of parts of society under unsettled conditions and lingering threat are creating formidable demands on individuals and communities. Keeping your equilibrium can be a challenge in times of uncertainty. Léonard Cotte/Unsplash, CC BY By looking at how people have reacted to mass traumas in the past – think the terrorist attacks of 9/11 or the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina – psychology researchers like us can learn about which coping strategies have historically been effective. For instance, people were able to boost their self-esteem and curtail negative thinking in the wake of 9/11 if they engaged in activities that fit their personal value...
Top Strategies When Using Facebook Live and Videos for Your Business

Top Strategies When Using Facebook Live and Videos for Your Business

Are you tired of creating Facebook posts that nobody sees? (Painful isn't it!?) Then you NEED to be using video on Facebook - it's 'crackalackin'! Facebook Live is hot to trot! There is no doubt Facebook loves it. You may have even seen ads for Facebook Live around the place. Why do you want to use Facebook Live? Like I said, Facebook loves Facebook Live and they're going to reward you for going Live on Facebook by pushing your livestream out into people's newsfeeds. People are likely to watch your Live stream videos three times longer than just a normal video post. That's a very important metric to Facebook who sees that longer viewing means it is an engaging video therefore we're going to show it into more people's newsfeeds. That is going to improve your reach and your engagement...
Strategies for handling back-to-school stress

Strategies for handling back-to-school stress

With the start of a new academic year come increased appointments, chaotic schedules and new environments. Millions of high schoolers and college students are already back in classrooms. With the start of a new academic year come increased appointments, chaotic schedules and new environments. Helpful strategies minimize stress and frustration build-up. Real Simple’s tips include: ‒ Get enough sleep. High schoolers need a solid eight to 10 hours, according to the National Sleep Foundation. ‒ Plan ahead. A whiteboard in a prominent place, featuring a week’s worth of appointments, practices, classes, tutoring, etc., is a visual reminder. A study of 197 college freshmen published in 2017 by the National Institutes of Health determined that ”... increased stress level was significantly assoc...
Can you ever forgive? A few strategies

Can you ever forgive? A few strategies

Nineteenth century Irish poet and playwright, Oscar Wilde, humorously penned, “Always forgive your enemies – nothing annoys them so much” Love as a topic tops lists, but forgiveness runs a close second. Some of the most famous quotes by the most famous people draw attention to the abstract noun. Nineteenth century Irish poet and playwright, Oscar Wilde, humorously penned, “Always forgive your enemies – nothing annoys them so much,” while contemporary actor Tyler Perry shared more serious wisdom on the subject: “It’s not an easy journey, to get to a place where you forgive people. But it is such a powerful place, because it frees you.” And in the bible there is Jesus’ well-known mandate: people should forgive each other “seventy times seven times” (Matthew 18:22); the numerical reference in...
Successful Strategies For Black Business Owners

Successful Strategies For Black Business Owners

Being a black business owner in the United States has never been an easy proposition. We have always had a difficult time finding success with our own entrepreneurial enterprises, and those difficulties only seem to grow in times of economic uncertainty. For today's African-American entrepreneur, it is more important than ever that the right strategies be employed in any commercial endeavor. The most important thing that any businessperson can do to ensure that his or her company is a success is to learn how to manage the most critical aspects of running a successful store. These include financing, marketing, and networking. Failing to meet the challenges of any of these three key areas can result in a failed establishment. Learn how to obtain financing It is in the area of financing th...