Tag: starbucks

Starbucks Or Dunkin Donuts, Who Has Better Coffee?

Starbucks Or Dunkin Donuts, Who Has Better Coffee?

People love their coffee. Some people can't go through an entire day without it, and some people can't go through half a day without it. Coffee provides an instant burst of energy for those who need it, and caffeine is a stimulant of the body and the mind. Two of the most popular brands in the nation are Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. In bigger cities, you can't go a few blocks without seeing one of the two and there are branches of each present in both towns as well. Some people swear by Starbucks and some people swear by Dunkin Donuts. Let's look at some of the pros and cons of each in order to determine whose is better. First, let's look at Starbucks. The coffee giant has exploded during the last 15 years, and they've even expanded to various drinks and foods beyond coffee. Stil...
Why Women Love Starbucks More Than Men

Why Women Love Starbucks More Than Men

I don't think that anyone can truly appreciate the intricacies of Starbucks until they've lost their Internet connection. It's one thing to go into the coffee haven every day for your designer latte in a cup emblazoned with the familiar icon of caffeine elitists. You're in, you're out. You might browse the baked goodies or scan the room to see who's there. But until you've parked yourself in this establishment for hours at a time, partaking of the free WiFi along with the pricey drinks, you haven't truly grasped the magic that is Starbucks. I lost my Internet connection at home so I went in search of a connection. And since Starbucks is right down the street, I decided to combine my obsession for overpriced java with my need for global access. Starbucks was perfect. I've never spent mu...
A Bitter Taste: Are Starbucks’ Caffeinated Anti-Union Efforts Legal

A Bitter Taste: Are Starbucks’ Caffeinated Anti-Union Efforts Legal

Good news greeted Starbucks workers on May 3, 2022, in the shape of a promise of new pay increases. But there was a catch: Employees at unionized stores – or those planning to unionize – shouldn’t expect to see a dime of this hike. As far as efforts to discourage workers from supporting union drives go, the move by Starbucks appears pretty blatant. And it comes as the coffee chain sees a massive surge of union activity. Since its first victory at two stores in Buffalo in December 2021, Starbucks Workers United has now filed for union elections at over 250 stores – comprising over 6,600 employees – in over 30 states, according to the National Labor Relations Board. Moreover, the union has won 54 of the 64 elections conducted to date, many by overwhelming margins. As a scholar of organize...