Tag: sagittarius

The Definition Of Sagittarius

The Definition Of Sagittarius

The placement of the planets and the moon are known to be some of the major factors on the zodiac signs. The minute that someone is born, their zodiac sign is determined according to the day and month they are born in. Astrology is given its meaning by the planets. The positions of the planets are constantly changing. The outer planets move slower than the inner planets, which is why some signs are more influenced by one planet than another. In this article, the meaning of the Sagittarius zodiac sign is explained. Sagittarius is one of the twelve zodiac signs. For those who are born between November 22 through December 21, their zodiac sign is Sagittarius. The two characteristics of the Sagittarius sign are the hunter and the centaur, a mythological creature that is half-man and half-hors...
A Black Hole At The Center Of The Milky Way Galaxy – Say Hello To Sagittarius A*

A Black Hole At The Center Of The Milky Way Galaxy – Say Hello To Sagittarius A*

On May 12, 2022, astronomers on the Event Horizon Telescope team released an image of a black hole called Sagittarius A* that lies at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Chris Impey, an astronomer at the University of Arizona, explains how the team got this image and why it is such a big deal. This image shows Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. EHT Collaboration, CC BY-SA 1. What is Sagittarius A*? Sagittarius A* sits at the the center of our Milky Way galaxy, in the direction of the Sagittarius constellation. For decades, astronomers have been measuring blasts of radio waves from an extremely compact source there. In the 1980s, two teams of astronomers started tracking the motions of stars near this mysterious source of radio waves. They saw stars whir...