Tag: challenges

Given The Challenges Of Supervising Remote Workers – How To Make Performance Reviews Less Terrible

Given The Challenges Of Supervising Remote Workers – How To Make Performance Reviews Less Terrible

Few office workers seem to like performance reviews, those annual examinations of how well workers are doing their jobs. And many seem to outright hate – or fear – them. A 2015 survey of Fortune 1000 companies found that nearly two-thirds of employees were dissatisfied with performance reviews, didn’t think they were relevant to their jobs – or both. In a separate survey conducted in 2016, a quarter of men and nearly a fifth of women reported crying as a result of a bad review. The figures were even higher for younger workers. And that was during the much simpler pre-pandemic times, when pretty much all professional workers were in the office daily and could be assessed similarly. Things are trickier today, as some employees work entirely from home, others come to the office and still ot...
The Stories Of New Teachers That Face Complex Cultural Challenges – 3 Latina Teachers In Their Toughest Moments

The Stories Of New Teachers That Face Complex Cultural Challenges – 3 Latina Teachers In Their Toughest Moments

Gun control. Hallway decorations. Hairstyles. Those aren’t the things I expected to be stumbling blocks for three Latina educators that I helped prepare to become schoolteachers in recent years. But each situation came up in their classroom or in the course of their jobs at various elementary and middle schools in the state of Indiana, where I teach. Their situations are indicative of a time in our society when we are called to more closely pay attention to issues of racism and social justice. I’m tracking these former students – along with three others – as part of a study I am doing on the first-year experiences of Latina teachers. As an educator who helps prepare future school teachers, I believe these experiences help shine light on some of the expectations that students, parents and...
Promising Rapid Drug Development – One Of Biology’s Greatest Challenges – AI Makes Huge Progress Predicting How Proteins Fold

Promising Rapid Drug Development – One Of Biology’s Greatest Challenges – AI Makes Huge Progress Predicting How Proteins Fold

Takeaways A “deep learning” software program from Google-owned lab DeepMind showed great progress in solving one of biology’s greatest challenges – understanding protein folding. Protein folding is the process by which a protein takes its shape from a string of building blocks to its final three-dimensional structure, which determines its function. By better predicting how proteins take their structure, or “fold,” scientists can more quickly develop drugs that, for example, block the action of crucial viral proteins. Solving what biologists call “the protein-folding problem” is a big deal. Proteins are the workhorses of cells and are present in all living organisms. They are made up of long chains of amino acids and are vital for the structure of cells and communication between ...
Ethical challenges loom over decisions to resume in-person college classes

Ethical challenges loom over decisions to resume in-person college classes

By early July, about 80% of U.S. campuses were planning to resume at least some in-person instruction, even as a growing numbers of faculty are voicing concerns about safety. As Michael Sorrell, president of Paul Quinn College, argues, “Because we do not yet have the ability to bring students and staff back to campus while keeping them safe and healthy, we simply cannot return to business as usual.” Sorrell says that bringing students back in this context “constitutes an abdication of our moral responsibility as leaders.” But this isn’t just about the responsibilities of individual campuses and university leaders to do what’s right. As a scholar of ethics, I believe it is unwise and unethical for government to leave schools largely on their own to navigate in deciding whether and how to ...

Media face challenges in rush to sexual misconduct reckoning

Talk-show host Tavis Smiley isn’t just angry at PBS for firing him on sexual misconduct charges. He’s angry about his depiction in the media. Smiley believes that if he hadn’t talked publicly about romantic relationships with subordinates at his company, the behavior that led to his downfall, the public would make little distinction between him and those who have been accused of sexual assault or rape. Conflation of different forms of misbehavior — the idea itself is controversial — is one of the issues facing media organizations covering the fast-moving story of sexual misconduct that went into overdrive with investigations into Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein’s behavior. “The media is painting with too broad a brush,” Smiley said. “We have lost all sense of nuance and proportionality...