

Black Fraternities and Sororities Step to Celebrate Their Culture

Stepping is a rhythmic performance art practiced by Black Greek-lettered fraternities and sororities across the nation. It combines intricate footwork, foot stomps, hand movements, vocals, and handclaps. Stepping is also an expression of unity. "When you come together in synchronized motions, you're becoming one," says Aurelius Butler, Treasurer of Alpha Phi Alpha, Mu chapter. "For us, stepping signifies brotherhood. We will never tell a brother he couldn't step. If he's a bad stepper, he's just going to have to try harder." Stepping evolved from the chants and dances that slaves did to remind themselves of their homelands. You can find stepping wherever you find African America Greek-lettered fraternities. Stepping is an age-old tradition among black fraternities and sororities. It inv...
Tips For Young Fathers

Tips For Young Fathers

Hopefully, if you are reading this, you are a man between the ages of 18 and 25 that is about to become a father. In this article, I will elaborate on three helpful tips for becoming a young father. Spend as much time as possible with the child, become financially independent, and constantly be focusing on your future. When you are a young man about to become a father, your family and friends get scared for you and they might say hurtful words. You need to block out all the negativity and take in all the positivity. Think about how you are about to have a mini you, how you can teach your child so many wonderful things, and how you get to watch them grow into their own person. Your number one goal is spending as much time as you can with your child. One of my favorite sayings is "you get o...
The Guide to Free Black Dating Sites

The Guide to Free Black Dating Sites

Many people are considering exploring all of the free black dating sites that are out there. These sites can provide a potentially wonderful experience for you. However before you go exploring here are some general guidelines to look for at each site. Just by definition a free black dating site is really an affordable, fun way for black people to meet other black people or people in general for friendship, dating and romance. With people working more and more, sometimes 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet, the online dating world is becoming a much more viable option. These sites are filled with people from all walks of life. However, all sites are not created equal and it is important that you do your homework before you decide to join any particular site. The first thing you want to do is id...
How Is White Women Looking for Black Men Popular Today?

How Is White Women Looking for Black Men Popular Today?

The dating sites are ready and completely free for you to date online in order to meet your associates. These days white women are looking for black men is quite popular. You can use these online services free of cost from any corner of this world. You need not go into the bars and night clubs in search of your partner especially if you are a white female who is looking for a black male. Without paying a single penny, you can find thousands of black men online in present time through online dating websites. You have to decide what exactly you want. The best and fantastic part of these dating sites is that you can seek black men online with the comfort of your domicile. There is no need to leave your home for finding your life partner. Many white females are getting interested in dating th...

Inhumane Practices Involving Young African Children

Pedophilia and Crimes Against Humanity A child abused by men unable tot control their sexual urges is horrendous and many women and children are viciously raped worldwide. The consequences can be disastrous as we saw recently in the case of the medical student raped on a bus in India. But children as young as a few months old are being used for sex by adult men and this type of crime is shown to be common in many societies. In some African societies, such as in Ethiopia, young girls are traded as brides for older men. They are usually very young and some are reportedly only 8 years old. In that case they are cared for by his family until she reaches puberty or near that time. They are then married and the girl is raped repeatedly. She may become pregnant even before her first period. Alo...
Mobsters in America – Ellsworth “Bumpy” Johnson – The Godfather of Harlem

Mobsters in America – Ellsworth “Bumpy” Johnson – The Godfather of Harlem

Ellsworth "Bumpy" Johnson was known as a murderous policy numbers baron in Harlem during the 1930's, but he was, in fact, the conduit between the Italian Mob and the Harlem rackets for almost three decades. Ellsworth Johnson was born in Charleston, South Carolina on October 31, 1905. He got the nickname "Bumpy" because he had a huge dump on the back of his head. Johnson was said to be a brilliant child, and by the time he was eight years old, he had already skipped two grades. When Johnson was ten years old, his brother Willie was accused of killing a white man. Afraid of a lynch mob for Willie, Johnson's parents sent Willie to live up north. Bumpy Johnson was a proud black man, who was defiant of the segregation and violence perpetrated on the blacks in the deep south. Johnson's parents ...
Mobsters in America – Stephanie St Clair – The Queen of the Harlem Numbers Rackets

Mobsters in America – Stephanie St Clair – The Queen of the Harlem Numbers Rackets

She was chased out of the Harlem numbers rackets by Dutch Schultz, but when Schultz lay dying from a bullet wound, Stephanie St. Clair had the last laugh. Stephanie St. Clair was born in 1886, in Marseilles, an island in the East Caribbean. At the age of 26 she immigrated to New York City and settled in Harlem. Almost immediately, she hooked up with the Forty Thieves, a white gang who were in existence since the 1850's. There is no record of what St. Clair did for the next ten years, but it's safe to say, considering her ties to the Forty Thieves, a notorious shake-down gang, what she did was anything but legal. In 1922, St. Clair used $10,000 of her own money and started Harlem's first numbers rackets. St. Clair was known for having a violent temper and often cursed her underlings out i...
Should Inmates Be Charged for Their Time in Jail?

Should Inmates Be Charged for Their Time in Jail?

This is a question raised by a radio program this morning. The cost for incarceration of prisoners is soaring and the numbers of inmates are increasing. This has put an enormous burden on governments and taxpayers who pay for them doing their time. It would make sense, therefore, to put a charge on them. Many prisoners in Australian jails are millionaires in the real world and can well afford to pay for their crimes in more ways than one. In some overseas jails, such as in Venezuela, images were smuggled out to show how starving inmates are ignored by the government. That country is in financial crisis and would appear to have massive human-rights abuses in many sectors of the community. In its communities many are starving and the situation may turn into a civil war. In North Korea the ...
Successful Strategies For Black Business Owners

Successful Strategies For Black Business Owners

Being a black business owner in the United States has never been an easy proposition. We have always had a difficult time finding success with our own entrepreneurial enterprises, and those difficulties only seem to grow in times of economic uncertainty. For today's African-American entrepreneur, it is more important than ever that the right strategies be employed in any commercial endeavor. The most important thing that any businessperson can do to ensure that his or her company is a success is to learn how to manage the most critical aspects of running a successful store. These include financing, marketing, and networking. Failing to meet the challenges of any of these three key areas can result in a failed establishment. Learn how to obtain financing It is in the area of financing th...
Black People Deposit Your Money In Black Owned Banks

Black People Deposit Your Money In Black Owned Banks

Black People (African Americans) deposit your money in Black Owned Banks. A bank is one of the most important if not the most important institution in any community. A bank is a stabilizing force in the community it serves. It loans money to small businesses to help them expand and create jobs. It assist religious and community organizations to help them better address the particular needs of the community. It helps individuals to become home owners and help existing home owners make repairs and additions to their property.The bank does this because it gets the money it uses to make a profit for themselves from the community its located in. People finance the banks, banks in turn should finance the people's needs. This is how it works in every community except ours. In the African Americ...