Energy Therapy and how to use it.
Fluff & Tuck (cleansing the Auric field)
- Draw the hands down from head to toe, 4 – 6 inches from the body
- Your hands are like rakes, feeling for any disruptions in the field, hot, cold, sticky, or tingly.
- Feel for changes in density.
- Make six or eight passes as you complete a circuit around the parameter of the body.
- Flick your hands toward the earth and request that she take the energy and transform it into what ever is needed.
Grounding the Root Chakra
- Place both hands beneath the root chakra
- Feel for the density of the root chakra
- Draw the energy down toward the earth, like a cord
Opening the Crown Chakra
- Stand to the side or behind the person you are working on.
- Place your hands in a triangle above the Crown Chakra.
- Wait for the energy to pop open or start to flow.
- Drag your hands up away from the Crown about 6 inches.
Opening the Foot Chakra
- Place one hand over the top of the foot.
- Hold it here until you feel the energy pop open.

Flowing Energy From Foot to Knee
- Leave your hand over the foot chakra.
- Place the other hand just above the knee.
- Wait until you feel the energy at the knee flow.
- If it does not flow take your hand and push the energy through.
Flowing energy from knee to hip
- Place one hand in front of the knee and the other behind the hip.
- Push the energy from the front of the knee toward the back of the hip.
- With the hand that is behind the hip, you will feel the energy when the flow is open.
Flowing energy through the hand and arm
- Put the palm of your hand over the palm of the person you are working on.
- Once again wait for the energy to begin to flow.
- Place the other hand at the top of the shoulder.
- Wait for the energy to flow.
- If it is stuck use the hand at the shoulder to trace the energy down the arm until it flows.
Opening the Central Channel
- With your hand, fluff the energy up the front of the body.
- Do this until you feel a change in density.

Opening the Governing Channel
- With your hand fluff the energy down the center of the spine.
- Do this once again until you fell a change in density.
Opening the Root Chakra
- Put the right hand behind the base of the spine.
- Left hand in front of bladder.
- If the energy feels blocked push the energy from back to front with the hand at the front of the body.
- Wait for the flow to begin.
Opening the Second Chakra
- Right hand at the back of navel
- Left hand at front of navel.
- Push energy through from front to back.
Opening the Solar Plexus Chakra
- Right hand behind base of sternum.
- Left hand in front of sternum.
- Feel for any blocked energy and push the energy from front to back.

Opening The Heart Chakra
- Right hand behind heart.
- Left hand in front of heart.
- Feel for flow, if blocked push through with your hand from front to back.
Opening the Throat Chakra
- Right hand back of neck.
- Left hand front of throat.
- If energy is blocked take the front hand and push the energy across the side of the neck until it opens.
Opening the Third Eye Chakra
- Right hand at the back of head near neck.
- Left hand over the third eye, front
- If energy is stuck, push from front to back with front hand.
Fluff & Tuck (cleansing the Auric field)
- Draw the hands down from head to toe, 4 – 6 inches from the body
- Your hands are like rakes, feeling for any disruptions in the field, hot, cold, sticky, or tingly.
- Feel for changes in density.
- Make six or eight passes as you complete a circuit around the parameter of the body.
- Flick your hands toward the earth and request that she take the energy and transform it into what ever is needed.

Sharon Sinclair – Space Clearing, Dowsing & work with the Paranormal
I began participating in the rituals of Space Clearing at the age of five. Three near death experiences before the age of 17 connected me with the ability to communicate with ghosts and spirits to help them crossover. It heightened my ability to sense and feel energy in the environment. I began my studies of Shamanic Practice under the guidance of my Cherokee Father and Celtic Mother & Grandmother.
Much of my studies have been rooted in Shamanic Buddhism. Many of the techniques I use were taught to me in the traditional (oral) way of being passed down by practice and observation through my Mother, Father, Grandmother and a host of wonderful teachers and mentors. I share these techniques and gifts with you in hopes of bringing you the clarity and the healing that you desire. In over 15 years of practicing as a professional, I have cleared hundreds of spaces, helped many businesses to prosper and many people to heal their homes and themselves mentally, spiritually and physically.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sharon_A_Sinclair/953337