Tag: whites


What Right-Wing Whites Miss When They Talk About Secession

White Americans need immigrants and diversity. That’s not do-gooder talk. It’s math. President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall, and the continuing shutdown of the federal government over it, is only the most recent symbol of the increasing schism in American public life. Despite extensive debate, there is no easy solution to reconcile the so-called red America–blue America divide. Certainly, facts don’t seem to matter to Trump’s supporters. The wall won’t stop immigration, an outstanding analysis by the Cato Institute’s David Bier shows. Nor will it affect distribution of the deadliest drugs (by far) identified by the Drug Enforcement Administration, opioid pharmaceuticals. (We might as well shut down all travel to the U.S. from the U.K. and Ireland, and build separ...

‘Whites don’t shoot whites’: 2 black people shot dead in Kentucky

Prosecutors say shooting that left two African Americans dead in the US state is being probed as possible hate crime. Gregory Bush, 51, has been charged with two counts of murder and 10 counts of wanton endangerment [Scott Utterback/Courier Journal via AP Photo] Moments after allegedly killing two African Americans at a supermarket in the US state of Kentucky, 51-year-old Gregory Bush reportedly muttered to a white bystander, "Whites don't kill whites." Bush, who is white, has been charged with two counts of murder and 10 counts of wanton endangerment, and a judge set his bail at $5m on Thursday. A federal prosecutor said on Friday that the shooting is being investigated as a possible hate crime. US Attorney Russell Coleman said federal investigators are invest...
The Outline of Whites’ Violence Vs Blacks’ Nonviolence in American History

The Outline of Whites’ Violence Vs Blacks’ Nonviolence in American History

Introduction Various dissatisfactions may result in protests in a community or a society. Religious, economical, societal and political concerns are amongst the most important factors which provoke different groups and classes to counter act against the status quo. In most of the time such displeasures end in some political gained grants, trivial or general reformations in current law and mechanism and compromise and returning to pre-challenge era. But in some occasions the depth and level of discontent is in its extreme thus the protestors are looking for a fundamental reformation or in other words revolution and subversion. Overthrow can be done by civilians or servicemen, in societal level such a protest is known as a movement. In deed, social movements are acts and processes in which ...
The Outline of Whites’ Violence Vs Blacks’ Nonviolence in American History

The Outline of Whites’ Violence Vs Blacks’ Nonviolence in American History

Various dissatisfactions may result in protests in a community or a society. Religious, economical, societal and political concerns are amongst the most important factors which provoke different groups and classes to counter act against the status quo. In most of the time such displeasures end in some political gained grants, trivial or general reformations in current law and mechanism and compromise and returning to pre-challenge era. But in some occasions the depth and level of discontent is in its extreme thus the protestors are looking for a fundamental reformation or in other words revolution and subversion. Overthrow can be done by civilians or servicemen, in societal level such a protest is known as a movement. In deed, social movements are acts and processes in which some (most of ...