Tag: understanding

Understanding Addiction To Support Recovery

Understanding Addiction To Support Recovery

(BPT) - September is National Recovery Month, an opportunity to promote and support treatment and recovery practices. To stop drug overdoses and raise awareness about addiction and recovery, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for Injury Prevention and Control launched an education campaign focused on reducing stigma. The campaign provides information about addiction and treatment options and encourages support of people in recovery. Addiction is a disease, not a character flaw. Addiction is a treatable disease that can happen to anyone. In fact, one in seven Americans reported experiencing addiction in 2020. Addiction occurs when a person's use of drugs or alcohol results in health issues or problems in their daily lives. Many factors can increase the r...
Teaching For Understanding: Challenging The Status Quo In Mathematics

Teaching For Understanding: Challenging The Status Quo In Mathematics

Despite decades of reform efforts, mathematics teaching in the U.S. has changed little in the last century. As a result, it seems, American students have been left behind, now ranking 40th in the world in math literacy. Several state and national reform efforts have tried to improve things. The most recent Common Core standards had a great deal of promise with their focus on how to teach mathematics, but after several years, changes in teaching practices have been minimal. As an education researcher, I’ve observed teachers trying to implement reforms – often with limited success. They sometimes make changes that are more cosmetic than substantive (e.g., more student discussion and group activity), while failing to get at the heart of the matter: What does it truly mean to teach and lea...
To Build Better Understanding Of Science Here Are 5 Ways To Use Hip-Hop In The Classroom

To Build Better Understanding Of Science Here Are 5 Ways To Use Hip-Hop In The Classroom

Back when I attended M.S. 101 in the Bronx, I tuned out the science teacher because I didn’t think science was for me. I viewed the subject as something distant and inaccessible. I never saw myself becoming a scientist. Things changed, however, when my physics teacher at Marie Curie High School used hip-hop to make connections with science. We learned about the physics of pendulums by using hip-hop artists’ chains as examples and participated in call-and-responses to remember science information. Once I’d found an approach that finally appealed to me, hip-hop set me on a course to become a science teacher myself. But not just any kind of science teacher. Instead, I became a hip-hop science educator. My mission in life is to educate teachers on how to use hip-hop to get more students to ...
Americans Yet Again Have Trouble Understanding What Multiracial Means With Kamala Harris

Americans Yet Again Have Trouble Understanding What Multiracial Means With Kamala Harris

News that Sen. Kamala Harris was Joe Biden’s choice for the 2020 Democratic vice presidential nominee drove speculation and argumentation about her identity. The big question appeared to be, “Is Kamala Harris truly African American?” There were numerous articles and opinion pieces about whether Harris can legitimately claim to be African American; the authenticity of her Black identity if she has an Indian mother; what it means for her to be biracial; and other articles opining and speculating about her racial, ethnic and even national identity. Harris, the daughter of immigrant parents from Jamaica and India, identifies as Black/African American while also embracing her Indian heritage. Yet the questions in social media and news outlets swirling around her identities demonstrate a conti...
Understanding SARS-CoV-2 And How It Causes COVID-19 – And Then Developing Multiple Vaccines Was The Top Scientific Breakthrough For 2020

Understanding SARS-CoV-2 And How It Causes COVID-19 – And Then Developing Multiple Vaccines Was The Top Scientific Breakthrough For 2020

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the respiratory illness COVID-19, has killed approximately 2.2% of those worldwide who are known to have contracted it. But the situation could be a lot worse without modern medicine and science. The last such global scourge was the influenza pandemic of 1918, which is estimated to have killed 50 million people at a time when there was no internet or easy access to long-distance telephones to disseminate information. Science was limited, which made it difficult to identify the cause and initiate vaccine development. The world is 100% more prepared for the current pandemic than it was 100 years ago. However, it has still affected our lives profoundly. I am a physician scientist who specializes in the study of viruses and runs a microbiology laboratory tha...
With Kamala Harris, Americans yet again have trouble understanding what multiracial means

With Kamala Harris, Americans yet again have trouble understanding what multiracial means

News that Sen. Kamala Harris was Joe Biden’s choice for the 2020 Democratic vice presidential nominee drove speculation and argumentation about her identity. The big question appeared to be, “Is Kamala Harris truly African American?” There were numerous articles and opinion pieces about whether Harris can legitimately claim to be African American; the authenticity of her Black identity if she has an Indian mother; what it means for her to be biracial; and other articles opining and speculating about her racial, ethnic and even national identity. Harris, the daughter of immigrant parents from Jamaica and India, identifies as Black/African American while also embracing her Indian heritage. Yet the questions in social media and news outlets swirling around her identities demonstrate a conti...
From marmots to mole-rats to marmosets – studying many genes in many animals is key to understanding how humans can live longer

From marmots to mole-rats to marmosets – studying many genes in many animals is key to understanding how humans can live longer

Much of longevity and aging research focuses on studying extremely long-lived species, including bats, naked mole-rats and bowhead whales, to find genetic changes that contribute to long life. However, such work has yielded highly species-specific genetic changes that are not generalizable to other species, including humans. As a graduate student, I have studied growing evidence, including recent work from my advisers’ labs (Maria Chikina and Nathan Clark), that supports the hypothesis that lifespan is a complex and highly context-dependent trait that calls for a shift in how biologists think about aging. Old age: The human problem Aging is the process by which the likelihood of death increases the longer an organism is alive. In mammals, aging is hallmarked by several molecular changes, ...