Tag: tools

What Is Lead Qualification [Types + Process + Tools]

What Is Lead Qualification [Types + Process + Tools]

Leads are as essential to a business as water to a plant. If you envision your business growing, you must pay attention to generating leads. The problem arises when the leads that you generate don’t have the potential to be converted. To achieve your goal of converting leads into paying customers, you need to perform lead qualification. Qualifying the generated leads saves time and effort, and leads your business to success. You can utilize lead qualification to be aware of the potential of the generated leads. In this blog, we will help you understand the concept of lead qualification, its importance, and the process of qualifying leads. So, let’s dive right into it! What Is Lead Qualification? The process of filtering and segregating your leads is called lead qualification. It helps d...
Uncovering The Genetic Basis Of Mental Illness Requires Data And Tools That Aren’t Just Based On White People – A International Team Is Collecting DNA Samples Around The Globe

Uncovering The Genetic Basis Of Mental Illness Requires Data And Tools That Aren’t Just Based On White People – A International Team Is Collecting DNA Samples Around The Globe

Mental illness is a growing public health problem. In 2019, an estimated 1 in 8 people around the world were affected by mental disorders like depression, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. While scientists have long known that many of these disorders run in families, their genetic basis isn’t entirely clear. One reason why is that the majority of existing genetic data used in research is overwhelmingly from white people. In 2003, the Human Genome Project generated the first “reference genome” of human DNA from a combination of samples donated by upstate New Yorkers, all of whom were of European ancestry. Researchers across many biomedical fields still use this reference genome in their work. But it doesn’t provide a complete picture of human genetics. Someone with a different genetic a...
The Fed Doesn’t Have The Right Tools To Fix Huge Racial Income And Wealth Gaps

The Fed Doesn’t Have The Right Tools To Fix Huge Racial Income And Wealth Gaps

BUSINESS Paul Wachtel, New York University Central bankers and economists from around the world are convening remotely for the annual Jackson Hole symposium on Aug. 27, 2021, to discuss the future of monetary policy. For the second year in a row, the annual conference will be virtual and the theme – Macroeconomic Policy in an Uneven Economy – seems appropriate given that the road out of the pandemic recession has been bumpy, with Black Americans lagging behind. Indeed, how central banks should address racial inequities in the distribution of wealth and income is a likely topic for discussion at the virtual retreat and could get a mention in Fed chair Jerome Powell’s highly anticipated speech. A ‘critical role to play’? It certainly is an issue that needs attention. Despite the vast cha...
Making the most of K-12 digital textbooks and online educational tools

Making the most of K-12 digital textbooks and online educational tools

Whether children are currently going to school in person, learning remotely or doing a mix of both, digital tools and texts are becoming much more commonplace for K-12 education during the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m a professor who researches the use of technology in education. I’m also the father of three children between the ages of 4 and 9 who are all learning from home. You might think it would be easy for me to get used to this new normal. Sadly, that’s not true. Despite all my technical know-how, even I struggle to manage the large variety of digital tools and apps that my children use for schoolwork, let alone the numerous websites, accounts and passwords from their classes that my family has to keep track of. Beneficial but complex The transition from relying mainly on physical textb...
Video: Why social distancing is one of the best tools we have to fight the coronavirus

Video: Why social distancing is one of the best tools we have to fight the coronavirus

Social distancing is a tool public health officials recommend to slow the spread of a disease that is being passed from person to person. Social distancing is a tool public health officials recommend to slow the spread of a disease that is being passed from person to person. The Conversation US, CC BY This video is based on an article written by Thomas Perls, professor of Medicine at Boston University. Simply put, it means that people stay far enough away from each other so that the coronavirus – or any pathogen – cannot spread from one person to another. It helps us reduce the rate of new infections, so that new cases are spread over time and the medical care system does not get overwhelmed. Watch the video to find out more about what social distancing is, and why it’s one of the best ...