Tag: survey

The State-by-State Penis Size Survey
Journalism, LGBTQ

The State-by-State Penis Size Survey

Does Penis Size Really Matter? It Does in Some States! There are jokes to mask it and articles that say it's no biggie, but men are still obsessed with the age-old question: Does penis size really matter? It's probably such a pervasive question because it really can't be answered. It's probably because the question is unfinished. It completely depends on what it matters for - making a baby, giving unknown pleasure, opening doors a foot back - but that part of the equation is never stated. Instead, it leaves a lot to be considered to fit all the possibilities. That could be the reason why many men put so much emphasis on it, which may be why many women don't want to give an opinion. However, a man's penis size has become a sort of perceived reflection of who he is. If he is powerful. If...
According To A New Survey – Black, Hispanic And Asian American Donors Give More To Strangers In Need As Well As Social And Racial Justice Causes

According To A New Survey – Black, Hispanic And Asian American Donors Give More To Strangers In Need As Well As Social And Racial Justice Causes

Wendy Chen, Texas Tech University and Una Osili, IUPUI More than a year after protesters around the world responded to the tragic deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and other people of color, U.S. donors of all backgrounds are still responding to calls for an end to deep-rooted racial inequities. To learn more about these giving patterns, the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy teamed up with the nonpartisan research organization NORC at the University of Chicago to survey 1,535 Americans from Sept. 14 to Oct. 6, 2020. Our survey, which has a margin of sampling error for all respondents of plus or minus 5 percentage points, indicates that giving to racial and social justice is on the rise – especially among donors of color. We highlighted these find...
Companies are struggling to engage with today’s activists – a new survey explores why

Companies are struggling to engage with today’s activists – a new survey explores why

Dozens of companies with no track record of activism have made statements in recent weeks in support of Black Lives Matter following what I believe is unprecedented pressure from racial justice protesters. It may have come as a surprise to some – given just a couple months ago corporate America showed little interest in the Black Lives Matter movement – but to me and my colleagues at the USC Center for Public Relations, it made sense. Earlier this year, we conducted a global survey on what we dubbed the “new activism.” At the time, we were aware that activism was a growing force in American society but couldn’t have predicted the topic would become so relevant so soon. Only a few months later, the brutal killing of George Floyd in late May sparked an eruption of activism on the streets o...