Tag: strong

Feeling Strong Social Support Can Break The Pattern Of Troubling Signs Of Stress Pregnant Women’s Brains Show

Feeling Strong Social Support Can Break The Pattern Of Troubling Signs Of Stress Pregnant Women’s Brains Show

Even before the pandemic, there was plenty for expectant mothers to worry about. Pregnant women must withstand a barrage of arguably well-intentioned, but often hyperbolic, warnings about their health and what’s to come, including concerns about everything from what to eat, to what to wear, to how to feel. Health professionals know that mothers-to-be experience predictable increases in anxiety levels before infants are born. Maternal mental health has been steadily deteriorating in the U.S., particularly among poor and minority women. The calls to “be afraid, be very afraid” are, of course, countered by the equally strong cautions for pregnant women to not worry too much, lest it lead to long-term negative outcomes for them and their infants. Such warnings are not entirely off base. Mate...
China Beat The Coronavirus, Not Just With Authoritarianism But With Science And Strong Public Health Measures

China Beat The Coronavirus, Not Just With Authoritarianism But With Science And Strong Public Health Measures

I live in a democracy. But as Thanksgiving approaches, I find myself longing for the type of freedom I am seeing in China. One of the Wuhan train stations in fall 2020. The city reopened in April 2020 after a total shutdown. Liu Yan, CC BY-SA People in China are able to move around freely right now. Many Americans may believe that the Chinese are able to enjoy this freedom because of China’s authoritarian regime. As a scholar of public health in China, I think the answers go beyond that. My research suggests that the control of the virus in China is not the result of authoritarian policy, but of a national prioritization of health. China learned a tough lesson with SARS, the first coronavirus pandemic of the 21st century. How China flattened its curve Barely less than a year ago, a nove...
I Stopped Playing the “Strong Black Woman”

I Stopped Playing the “Strong Black Woman”

We are paying for this myth we’ve bought into with our lives.I never saw my grandmother rest. From morning to night, she appeared to be in service: cooking and cleaning, helping and caring for others. She died of a heart attack at 69. As I reflect today on the high rates of heart disease, stress, obesity, and other physical as well as mental ailments among African American women, I wonder what would have been the impact had she said, “I ain’t cooking tonight, everybody is on their own,” or “I’m headed out for a walk,” or simply, “I’m tired, and I need to rest.” What messages might I have inferred from watching her take 15 minutes of quiet time in the morning to “get centered.” Instead, I observed what appeared to be a never-ending pace of busyness, problem-solving, and making ends ...