Tag: stopping

Contrary To Popular Belief – Corporate Directors Don’t See Stopping Wayward CEOs As Their Job

Contrary To Popular Belief – Corporate Directors Don’t See Stopping Wayward CEOs As Their Job

BUSINESS Steven Boivie, Texas A&M University In December 2001, Enron Corp. collapsed into bankruptcy – at the time the biggest U.S. publicly traded company to ever do so – following years of fraudulent accounting. Two decades later, Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes faces criminal charges that she defrauded investors as she built her blood-testing startup. In both cases, the companies’ respective boards of directors have been blamed for allowing misdeeds to happen – or not doing more to prevent them. That’s because boards are broadly seen by regulators, governance experts, lawmakers, newspaper reporters and the public as the main body meant to hold senior executives accountable. Legally, their role as overseers is baked into the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which is the most recent major legisl...
Stopping Domain Name Hijacking And Domain Name Theft

Stopping Domain Name Hijacking And Domain Name Theft

Domain hijacking, or domain theft, occurs when a person improperly changes the registration of a domain name without permission from the original registrant. A domain can be hijacked for several reasons: to generate money through click-through traffic, for resale to the proper owner or a third party, to add value to an existing business, for malicious reasons, or to achieve notoriety. The costs of domain hijacking are significant. According to Symantec, a security-software company, in 2012, the economy lost $400 billion as a result of incidents of domain hijacking and related crimes. A variety of domain names have been hijacked in recent years, including the U.S. Marines, The New York Times, Twitter, Google, The Huffington Post, Forbes.com, and Craigslist. Once a domain is hijacked, it i...
Stopping White Supremacists From Killing People Of Color?

Stopping White Supremacists From Killing People Of Color?

The nation is in shock over yet another mass shooting—this time targeting Black people. Ten African Americans, six women and four men, were massacred on May 14 at the Tops grocery store in Buffalo, New York. Three other people were injured, one Black and two White, as the suspected shooter fired more than 50 rounds at shoppers and staff while livestreaming his attack. An 18-year-old White man was taken into custody unharmed, reportedly wearing military fatigues and body armor, after law enforcement allegedly talked him down from killing himself. As have many mass shooters before him, the gunman published a manifesto that espoused a fear that people of color are “replacing” White people, adding that he hoped his violence would spark a “race war.” Fox News hosts like Tucker Carlson frequen...
Without Stopping Putin’s Assault On Ukraine – Economic Sanctions May Make Russians’ Lives Worse

Without Stopping Putin’s Assault On Ukraine – Economic Sanctions May Make Russians’ Lives Worse

The economic sanctions levied upon Russia as a consequence of its invasion of Ukraine target the Russian economy and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest personal and business associates. The goal is to alter domestic politics within Russia, ultimately stopping Putin’s aggression. Yet our research into how economic sanctions affect the behavior of dictators indicates the sanctions are likely to increase political repression in Russia and hurt average Russians’ economic security – without stopping Putin from pulverizing Ukraine. Personal rule Putin rules Russia with what political scientists like us call a personalist dictatorship. This term means that the leader has more power than the political party that backs him, and more than the military and security forces. In Russia, Putin ...