Tag: start

Online July 21, 2022: Bridging The Opportunity Gap To Reignite Start-ups With Craig Hall

Online July 21, 2022: Bridging The Opportunity Gap To Reignite Start-ups With Craig Hall

BOOM! Somehow, since 1975 the US has lost HALF of the entrepreneurs we had back then. My guest on Thursday is Craig Hall,  an entrepreneur ever since the 60’s.  Craig has studied this drop off and long term threat to our economy. Tune in and learn why we should all be concerned about entrepreneurship in the US and what we need to do about it! Speaker Craig Hall Date & Time Thursday, July 21st, 2022 12:00PM - 1:00PM Central Location: Online Register Now Event Speaker Craig Hall Hall supports entrepreneurs and start-ups and together with his wife, funded the Fulbright Kathryn and Craig Hall Distinguished Chair for Entrepreneurship. Hall also founded the Dallas Regional Office of NFTE (Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship). He has received a number of award...
Vacations Feel Like They’re Over Before They Even Start – Why?

Vacations Feel Like They’re Over Before They Even Start – Why?

Selin Malkoc, The Ohio State University For many people, summer vacation can’t come soon enough – especially for the half of Americans who canceled their summer plans last year due to the pandemic. But when a vacation approaches, do you ever get the feeling that it’s almost over before it starts? If so, you’re not alone. In some recent studies Gabriela Tonietto, Sam Maglio, Eric VanEpps and I conducted, we found that about half of the people we surveyed indicated that their upcoming weekend trip felt like it would end as soon as it started. This feeling can have a ripple effect. It can change the way trips are planned – you might, for example, be less likely to schedule extra activities. At the same time, you might be more likely to splurge on an expensive dinner because you want to m...

Broken Mirrors Cause Bad Luck – How Did The Superstition Start And Why Does It Still Exist?

Barry Markovsky, University of South Carolina Every human culture has superstitions. In some Asian societies people believe that sweeping a floor after sunset brings bad luck, and that it’s a curse to leave chopsticks standing in a bowl of rice. In the U.S., some people panic if they accidentally walk under a ladder or see a black cat cross their path. Also, many tall buildings don’t label their 13th floors as such because of that number’s association with bad luck. The origins of many superstitions are unknown. Others can be traced to specific times in history. Included in this second category is a superstition that is between 2,000 and 2,700 years old: Breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck. It so happened that in both ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, reflected images wer...
4 Activities That Will Help You Start Exercising

4 Activities That Will Help You Start Exercising

Fitness is a process. One does not simply “decide” to improve their health one day. Rather, the only way to experience meaningful fitness progress is to diet and exercise effectively for a sustained period of time. Of course, doing that is much easier said than done. As such, many people with good intentions struggle to get started with a new workout routine. With that in mind, today we’ll share a few fun activities that can help people new to exercising develop good habits and “get in the groove”  –– so to speak. Check them out here: Short Walks It’s difficult to overstate the benefits of a brisk walk. Walking is a mild exercise that many people find particularly refreshing. Plus, you can take a walk basically anywhere, any time, and with anyone. Note, if you have difficulty walking f...
Wearing Masks Saves Lives, The Earlier You Start The Better, A New Data-Driven Model Shows

Wearing Masks Saves Lives, The Earlier You Start The Better, A New Data-Driven Model Shows

Dr. Biplav Srivastava, professor of computer science at the University of South Carolina, and his team have developed a data-driven tool that helps demonstrate the effect of wearing masks on COVID-19 cases and deaths. His model utilizes a variety of data sources to create alternate scenarios that can tell us “What could have happened?” if a county in the U.S. had a higher or lower rate of mask adherence. In this interview, he explains how the model works, its limitations and what conclusions we can draw from it. Computer scientist Biplav Srivastava provides a demo of the simulation to show that earlier policies to recommend mask-wearing make a bigger difference on the spread of the coronavirus. What does this computer model do? This is a nationwide tool which can show the effect that weari...
Is the Charlottesville Riot the Start of a Civil War in the USA?

Is the Charlottesville Riot the Start of a Civil War in the USA?

One has only to look at the degree of hate in the country to understand that a civil war is imminent. It won't go away either because racial intolerance has too much support from high places. As the nation faces problems on many fronts the last thing it can afford is for an eruption of this nature at home. With most armed to the teeth with deadly weapons once it starts there will be no stopping it until the country is torn to shreds. Is this the price of democracy or something else - slavery? The most persecuted are those who have served America as forced labour in one form or another. Their sweat and tears built the country into what it has become today. Now those who see themselves as better are hell-bent on proving their superiority by ridding their regions of those to whom they owe so...
WATCH: What Happens When 1 Million Black Women Start Walking?

WATCH: What Happens When 1 Million Black Women Start Walking?

Read the stats about the health of American black womenand things look bleak, but look at people, not just numbers, and another picture emerges — specifically the women at GirlTrek, which is trying to change health outcomes with a simple intervention: walking. The three-year-old nonprofit with chapters in cities including Detroit, Atlanta, St. Louis and Washington, D.C., encourages black women to improve their health starting with weekly group walks and moving to 30 minutes of walking per day, five days a week. Over 50,000 women have signed the pledge; GirlTrek is aiming for 1 million by 2018. GirlTrek wants to find out. Source: WATCH: What Happens When 1 Million Black Women Start Walking?