Tag: single

Some Bees Are Born Curious Others Are Single Minded – How The Hive Picks Which Flowers To Feast On

Some Bees Are Born Curious Others Are Single Minded – How The Hive Picks Which Flowers To Feast On

When you try to pick a restaurant with a group of friends, how do you decide? Your curious friend wants to try the new place, while your focused friend wants to go to the old faithful. One friend is insistent, while the other is more quiet. Ultimately, the focused vocal friend convinces the group by saying, “I am telling you, this is the best place. It’s a sure thing – we gotta go!” Just like people, honey bees vary in how they seek out food and communicate where to go. As a biologist, I study collective behavior, especially how groups make decisions. My colleagues and I have discovered some individual bees are seemingly born with a predetermined foraging style – they can be either focused foragers or curious foragers. Having different approaches to collecting food turns out to be advanta...
COVID-19 has resurrected single-use plastics – are they back to stay?

COVID-19 has resurrected single-use plastics – are they back to stay?

COVID-19 is changing how the U.S. disposes of waste. It is also threatening hard-fought victories that restricted or eliminated single-use disposable items, especially plastic, in cities and towns across the nation. Our research group is analyzing how the pandemic has altered waste management strategies. Plastic-Free July, an annual campaign launched in 2011, is a good time to assess what has happened to single-use disposable plastics under COVID-19, and whether efforts to curb their use can get back on track. California banned single-use plastic bags in 2016, but state officials waived the ban during COVID-19 quarantines because plastic was perceived as more sanitary. From plans to pandemic Over several decades leading up to 2020, many U.S. cities and states worked to reduce waste from s...
Spinster, old maid or self-partnered – why words for single women have changed through time

Spinster, old maid or self-partnered – why words for single women have changed through time

In a recent interview with Vogue, actress Emma Watson opened up about being a single 30-year-old woman. Instead of calling herself single, however, she used the word “self-partnered.” I’ve studied and written about the history of single women, and this is the first time I am aware of “self-partnered” being used. We’ll see if it catches on, but if it does, it will join the ever-growing list of words used to describe single women of a certain age. Women who were once called spinsters eventually started being called old maids. In 17th-century New England, there were also words like “thornback” – a sea skate covered with thorny spines – used to describe single women older than 25. Attitudes toward single women have repeatedly shifted – and part of that attitude shift is reflected in the nam...
Will Banning Single-Family Housing Make for More Affordable Homes?

Will Banning Single-Family Housing Make for More Affordable Homes?

Minneapolis effectively eliminated single-family zoning in order to undo decades of segregation and create more affordable housing options. Other states are watching closely. Nothing captures the housing affordability crisis as well as this fact: In no single city, state, or other municipality in the U.S. can someone earning minimum wage afford a two-bedroom apartment. This is compounded by the fact that housing prices continue to rise, and cities don’t have the ability (and in some cases, the physical space) to add more affordable housing to help keep costs down. So Minneapolis changed the rules, and others are taking notice. In December 2018, the city approved a plan that allows for duplexes and triplexes, effectively eliminating the future of building more single-family hou...

Black Lives Matter Is Making Single Moms Homeowners

In Louisville, the group is purchasing vacant homes for low-income families to promote stability in the community and fight gentrification. In May, Tiffany Brown and her children will move into a new home in the historic Black neighborhood of West Louisville, Kentucky. A single mother of three, Brown has spent most of her adult life in public housing. Her first shot at homeownership comes courtesy of a new project by the Louisville chapter of Black Lives Matter to help provide permanent housing to transient families and low-income single-mother households like hers. She had recently relocated to Section 8 housing because of involuntary displacement in her previous location, the result of ongoing practices of segregation and unequal access to housing based on race. The B...

The First Guaranteed Basic Income Program Designed for Single Black Moms

The Magnolia Mother’s Trust asks participants what they need to not only pay the bills but also to fight generational poverty. Ebony, a single mother of three, works two jobs to make ends meet and takes in around $11,000 a year. In addition to a part-time job at a beauty supply chain, she works as a communication specialist at a Jackson, Mississippi, nonprofit, a temporary position that could end in December. She’s hoping her employers will keep her on, and she’s doing all she can to inspire them, including showing up for work an hour early. “I want to make a good impression,” she says about showing up to work early. “It would be great if [the employers] tell me, ‘You worked so hard, how about you go ahead and stay with us?’” Staying on could mean that Ebony’s annual income...